Forskare – Researchers

Maia Andréasson is the project leader of the N’CLAV network ( and works as an associate professor at the Department of Swedish, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Her thesis is an OT-LFG analysis of the subject-adverbial word order in the Swedish middle field, and her current research concerns variation and underlying causes of pronominal object shift in Swedish, Danish and Norwegian. Since 2013 she also takes part in a project on Estonian-Swedish.Personal webpage.

Henrietta Adamsson-Eryd

is a PhD student at the Department of Swedish, University of Gothenburg, who will be working with the SVAM material.

Ida Larsson holds a post doctoral research position at Stockholm university. She received a PhD in Scandinavian Linguistics in Gothenburg in 2009. Her thesis is concerned with the historical development of the perfect tense and the syntax-semantics of past participles and perfects in Swedish. IL is particularly interested in language change, and in the interface between syntax, semantics and lexicon.

Personal webpage .

Benjamin Lyngfelt is a professor of Swedish at the University of Gothenburg and a Swedish Academy Research Fellow. BL is mainly a syntactician, presently studying argument structure in Swedish from a constructional perspective. Recent work includes control phenomena, voice and transitivity, normative grammar, and Finland Swedish. Personal webpage.

Jenny Nilsson Jenny Nilsson is a Swedish Academy Research Fellow and works at the Institute for Language and Folklore (at the department for dialectology, onomastics and folklore research) in Gothenburg. JN has just finished a project about dialect change and variation in West Sweden and is currently working on a project concerned with similar linguistic processes in Hälsingland, Värmland and Skåne. Personal webpage

Sofia Tingsell Sofia Tingsell is a senior lecturer in Swedish as a second language at the University of Gothenburg. Her research interests are mainly grammatical change in multilingual Sweden, and she is currently working on a longitudinal project investigating change of linguistic practices in suburban areas in Sweden. Since 2007, Sofia Tingsell is involved in the ISLEX-project that is publishing an electronic Icelandic-Norwegian- Danish-Swedish dictionary for the Internet. Personal webpage.