SELGRA webinar #8

Post date: May 5, 2022

Low gravity and radiation research for better protection of astronauts on Mars?

Prof. Sarah Baatout is the head of the radiobiology unit at SCK CEN (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre) in Mol (Belgium), head of Belgian representation at UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation) , secretary-Treasurer of the European Radiation Research Society , chair of the Belgian Hadrontherapy Center, and a guest professor at UGent and KULeuven

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About Prof. Sarah Baatout


Radiation biology, low gravity biology, radiotherapy, biomarkers of personalized medicine.

Short Biography

For more than 20 years, her lab has been investigating the impact of ionizing radiation on health through the development of better radiotherapy treatments for cancer patients, the discovery of innovative biomarkers for personalized medicine for astronauts and patients. S. Baatout is also currently monitoring the impact of cosmic radiation on astronauts to better human space exploration to the Moon and Mars. S. Baatout traveled to the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station in Antarctica to study health in this extreme environment considered a space analog.