

  1. The “Student European Low Gravity Research Association, SELGRA” is a subdivision of ELGRA and an international Association of European students from different scientific fields concerned with the impartation and investigation of phenomena under altered gravity levels. SELGRA is a non-profit association and can be used only for objectives defined in the Statutes.

  2. The objectives of the Association are:

    • To encourage, promote and support gravity dependent research especially for European students

    • To divulge gravity dependent research opportunities like projects, internships, Meetings, Bachelor-, Master and PhD-Positions

    • To establish new collaborations between European universities

    • To provide members the mediation to an extended network of experts in the field of gravity research

    • To represent the common interest of its members.

  3. The association shall endeavour to achieve the objectives specified in PARA 2 by mechanisms which will include:

    • The organization of an scientific network through different social medias.

    • The promotion of SELGRA and corresponding information in various forms (including social media and talks in universities).

    • The provision of a discussion forum for young researchers.

    • The provision of information to national and European authorities and industrial firms.

    • The setting up of committees for specific tasks.

  4. Membership:

    • A member has to be registered at ELGRA (free student Membership).

    • Members must be actively participating.

    • Each member is entitled to one vote.

    • Each member shall be entitled to all services of the organization.

    • Each member shall participate in divulging any event that comes to their attention, and shall participate, whenever possible, in organizing events.

  5. Officers of the Association:

    • The following officers are elected by SELGRA members:

      • The Management Committee including

        • President

        • Vice President

        • Executive committee members

        • Communication Officer

    • Officers shall be elected biennially by the members at one of the regular meetings. Elections shall be by ballot and a majority (quorum = one half + 1) of the votes cast shall elect. All present Student ELGRA members (as defined above) can vote.

    • Each officer shall take office and serve a two-year term and may be re-elected to the same office.

    • The President shall have been elected to the organization and serve 2 years and can always be re-elected, as long as there is agreement between the members.

    • Any officer, including the President, may be removed from office or suspended from office by a vote of two-thirds of the members at a regular meeting. Removal or suspension may be with or without cause. The person under consideration shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting with sufficient notice of the proposed removal or suspension, the person under consideration shall not be counted in determining the presence of a quorum not whether the required two-thirds vote has been obtained. Upon a vote of removal or suspension of the President, the Vice-President shall preside at the meeting.

  6. President and Management Committee:

    • The Management Committee shall consist of one President, one Vice-President and up to 5 Executive committee members. Members in this committee shall be aware of all economic activities carried out by SELGRA, and they shall also participate in the organizational matters. The members of the committee shall also be in contact with the ELGRA Treasurer.

    • A vacancy in the Executive committee shall be filled by appointment of the President of the organization with input from the outgoing Committee Chairperson.

    • The President shall preside at all meetings and be responsible for appointing all standing, special, and ad-hoc committees and shall perform such other duties as usually required of this office. The President of the organization shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

    • The President, subject to the approval of the organization, shall appoint such standing, special, or ad hoc committees as may be required by the bylaws, as he or she finds necessary. Committee Chairpersons shall be appointed by and responsible to the President.

    • A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by the Vice-President unless he or she is unable to serve, at which time the vacancy shall be filled by election of the members by a majority of votes cast. A vacancy in the office of the Vice-President shall be left vacant with the President delegating the duties of that position.

    • The Vice-President shall act in the absence of the President in all capacities as listed above and shall assist in conducting the organization of activities.

  7. Communication officer:

      • The Communication Officer shall be responsible for managing the SELGRA website and different social networks of the organization (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) and ensure the presence of SELGRA in a professional and appealing way, ensuring the integrity of SELGRA image through media.

  8. Members:

    • Each member can be represented by only one person.

    • Each member is entitled to one vote.

    • Unless provided otherwise, decisions shall be valid when adopted by a simple majority.

    • Each member shall be entitled to all services of the organization.

    • Each member shall be entitled to participate in all organizational events.

    • Each member shall participate in divulging any event that comes to their attention, and shall participate, whenever possible, in organizing events.

  9. Membership Meetings:

    • The business meetings of the membership will be held at least biennially (during the ELGRA Symposium), moreover newsletter to the executive members will be sent every 2 to 3 months. Notification of this meeting shall be made 3 months in advance.

    • The SELGRA executive committee may call other meetings when necessary.

    • Quorum: At all meetings of the organization, a quorum shall consist of the members. (quorum = one half + 1)

  10. Parliamentary Authority:

    • The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws or the special rules of order of the organization.

  11. ELGRA Policies:

    • This organization shall abide by all applicable policies instituted by ELGRA.

  12. Amendments to the Statutes:

    • These bylaws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the organization present at any regular meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose.