SELGRA Webinars

Post date: Jul 07, 2019 9:23:32 PM

SELGRA is committed to facilitate communication of gravity-related research and to support international education and research activities.

To reinforce SELGRA’s mission and to celebrate SELGRA’s fifth anniversary, we are launching our first webinar series!

SELGRA webinars will cover a wide range of gravity-related research topics. Members will be able to watch online talks given by international experts, ask questions and discuss the topics via text chat tools.

These webinars will be a good opportunity to have an overview of the current research performed in low and high-gravity environments, its main achievements and future challenges. You will also have the chance to know more about some of the institutions involved.

Every two or three months, a SELGRA committee member will host the webinar. Each talk will have a duration of about 40 minutes followed by a 10 minutes Q&A session.

We count on you to be part of this initiative! Do you have a topic that you would like to be discussed? Send us an email to and we will do our best to make it happen.

Access the webinar

Everyone can watch the live stream of the webinar through SELGRA Facebook or YouTube channels.

Ask the experts

Everyone will be able to ask questions during the talk using the text chat. Apart from the text chat, SELGRA members will also be able to send us questions at any time before and during the webinar using a link for the purpose. Members will receive the link in webinar notification emails. The host will select some of the questions for the Q&A session. Priority will be given to questions from our members.

Save for later

Webinars will be recorded and accessible later in our website.