SELGRA webinar #3

Post date: May 03, 2020 7:32:27 PM

In this webinar, Prof. Karl H. Hasenstein will give a brief historic overview on clinorotation and show some results from clinorotation experiments. He will also address the construction of clinostats using aluminium stock or 3D-printed elements and electronics that can provide all variations of clinostats from a pendulum to a random positioning machine.

This webinar will be live on Zoom and requires registration. An invitation email to join the webinar will be sent out to all registrants. Book your spot for this webinar on this link.

About Karl H. Hasenstein


Plant biology, Hormone biology, Gravitropism, Biophysics, Molecular biology

Short Biography

Obtained a PhD in Germany (University of Saarland) in 1982.

Post-doc at San Diego State University (1982-1984) and Ohio State University (1984-1988).

Assistant Professor at University of Louisiana at Lafayette (1988-1993).

Associate Professor (1993-1997) and Full Professor (1997-Current).

Served as Assistant Dean, College of Sciences, Interim Director of the School of Geosciences, and Director of the Louisiana Accelerator Center (LAC).

Completed two space experiments (STS-107, SpX-3), another is in preparation (APH2).

Invited national and international speaker. Published more than 200 conference papers and posters, 110 peer-reviewed publications.