Terms and Conditions

SELGRA Grants for LIDE's Glide Your Experiment! - Terms and Conditions

Applicants should carefully read the following terms and conditions prior to applying. By applying you are agreeing to the following conditions:

  1. You are happy to be contacted by representatives from LIDE, SELGRA, and ELGRA regarding your application.

  2. All the university team members of your team, if any, are registered SELGRA members.

  3. The awarded amount will be evaluated and agreed upon for each case based on the required expenses related to travel and accommodation, reaching up to a maximum of €500 per team member, and up to 4 team members per team, plus up to one supervisor if the team is composed of only high school students.

  4. Each grant will be attributed to a single team with an original experiment.

  5. All communication during the campaign should acknowledge the contribution made by LIDE, ELGRA and SELGRA through the use of supplied logos.

  6. After the campaign, you are required to submit receipts for reimbursement up to the awarded amount, in a timely manner to be eligible for reimbursement, receipts claimed 6 weeks after the sponsored activity may not be accepted.

  7. A 1 A4 page written report (suggested 1.5 spacing, Arial 12 font), pictures of the student team, experiment, and an optional short video must be submitted to SELGRA to show what you gained from the experience to encourage others to apply. By accepting the grant, you agree that this material may be used and distributed by LIDE, ELGRA and/or SELGRA on their newsletters and outreach channels. These documents are mandatory for reimbursement.

  8. The grant can cover travel and accommodation expenses up to the agreed amount. Applicants will be responsible for all other expenses not covered by the grant. The applicant will have to make their arrangements for travel, accommodation, passports, visas, travel insurance and medical insurance.

  9. Sponsored applicants shall conduct themselves in such a manner so as not to jeopardize LIDE/ELGRA/SELGRA’s reputation during all the activities related to the experiment covered by this grant.

  10. As an applicant, unless asked, you are not representing LIDE, SELGRA, or ELGRA, but acting on basis of private initiative and by this these organizations or their members shall not be held liable for any damage or repercussions including:

    1. Bodily injury to, or other impairment of health of, or death of, any person;

    2. Damage to, loss of, or loss of use of any property;

    3. Loss of revenue or profits;

    4. Theft of intellectual property or allegations of plagiarism;

    5. Other direct, indirect, or consequential damage caused by the applicant participating in the event.

  11. Sponsored students are not covered by any LIDE, SELGRA, or ELGRA medical or travel insurance and are required to make appropriate arrangements for their own medical, repatriation and travel insurance, including coverage for loss of, or damage to, their belongings.

  12. LIDE, SELGRA, and ELGRA reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice.