Being down on any government serves little purpose. One is basically as bad as another. 

I have written to Prime Ministers, Rudd and Gillard. The former took 6 months to answer and the latter is still out telling everyone what is best for them. The only MP that bothered to respond to me was Senator Mason who sat on the PJ-C. ASIC, on the other hand, to be fair to it, always replied and gave me the impression that they were at least listening. 

Looking back, the Parliamentary Joint-Committee did a fairly good job but it was somewhat oblivious that they were told to go easy on the banks. 

Whatever, a raft of reforms have now been instigated, but I hold little hope that these will keep the rogues that frequent this sector at bay. 

One day, no doubt, we'll have another financial Storm, another enquiry and another attempt to plug the loopholes in our financial system. It just goes on and on!