Fox Channel 2, November 2018
St. Louis Chinese American News, March 8, 2012
"Maryland Heights文化節2月26日舉行,行雪少林功夫學校學員應邀表演" ... 2012年2月26日,City of Maryland Heights International Festival世界文化節,行雪師父帶領少林功夫小學員和弟子們參加,《世界文化節》,得到當地市長良好的表揚,授予行雪師父學校榮譽感謝信,當日少林 弟子小學員們,參加表演《少林小紅拳,少林陰手棍,24式太極拳》等項目,行雪師父表演少林絕學〈少林醉拳,梅花螳螂拳,少林震山棍〉
St. Louis Magazine, December 2010
"Eating Bitter" ... St. Louis now has a martial-arts master who trained at Shaolin Temple - the 1,500-year-old birthplace of kung fu and Zen Buddhism. It is not an easy place to be a student...
KPLR Channel 11 St. Louis, December 2010
"Amazing Kung Fu Feats" Master Xing Xue demonstrates throwing needle throw glass on KPLR Channel 11 TV studio in St. Louis.
"Kung Fu Master Breaks Metal Bar with Head" Master Xing Xue demonstrates breaking metal bar with head on KPLR Channel 11 TV studio in St. Louis.
St. Louis Chinese American News, August 2010
"St. Louis was fortunate to have a true Shaolin Master: Xing Xue" ... After meeting Xing Xue, Sifu Justin Meehan, who visited the Shaolin Temple in 1981, said that St. Louis was very fortunate to have a true Shaolin master willing to open a school in St. Louis...
Incommunicado, KSHE95 Real Rock Radio, Article by DJ Rich
"Attention Martial Artists!" ... I particularly urge seasoned martial artists (no matter what style.) to seek him out. People with experience will be that much more able to recognize what a privilege it is to have access to Xing Xue...
Also Featured In:
Newspaper: World Journal, Qingdao news, U.S. China Press, Chile: Santiago times, St. Louis Chinese American News, Korea times, Las Vegas Chinese Daily News, Japan times
Magazine: Seoul, South Korea magazine, Journal of the Japanese martial arts, Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur journal, St. Louis Magazine
Contact: 702-666-1108 (Shifu) 573-544-6835 (Public Relations)