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What it means:

Lent is a Church season of fasting and penance, as we prepare ourselves for the coming Easter celebrations. Churches and clergy are decked in purple, the colour of penitence, as we try to examine our relationship with God, and put right what has been wrong, confessing our sins.

Holy Week is the final week of Lent and starts on Palm Sunday. It is the most sacred week of the Church’s year, and the liturgical colour changes to red, a symbolic reminder of the blood of Christ shed for us on the cross. Christians mark this week with special devotion, making an extra effort to attend church, receive teaching, and make personal sacrifices.

ASH WEDNESDAY - Wednesday 5 March 2025 at 8.00pm

Lent starts today, and it is traditional to receive a cross of ashes on your forehead. The ash cross is added during a special celebration of the mass, at which everyone is welcome. The ash is made by burning last year's Palm Sunday crosses. From today there will be special Lent services for 40 days and 40 nights.

PASSION SUNDAY - Sunday 6 April 2025 at 10.30am

Lent moves into an even more solemn phase, as we move towards Holy Week. Today we begin to focus on the passion of Jesus. Our community is moving ever closer to the days of the Passion.

PALM SUNDAY - Sunday 13 April 2025 at 10.30am

Lent moves up a gear, as we commence Holy Week. Today we remember how Jesus entered Jerusalem at the start of the final week of his life. We hear the story, and we process into church carrying palm leaves.

MAUNDY THURSDAY - Thursday 17 April 2025 at 7.00pm

On the Thursday of that week, 2,000 years ago, Jesus shared a meal with his friends - this was the Last Supper. Afterwards they went out into the dark night and Jesus was betrayed. We share the mass as we remember the Last Supper, and afterwards we strip the church bare, and go out into the cold and dark, remembering Jesus' betrayal. Those who wish may stay an extra hour to "watch and pray" with Jesus.

GOOD FRIDAY - Friday 18 April 2025 at 2.30pm

The next day, Good Friday, Jesus was executed on a cross. We come together in solemn remembrance of that day, for a service centred around the veneration of the Cross of Jesus. Many Christians fast all day today (eating no food) until after this service, when traditionally they eat hot cross buns. We will serve coffee and hot cross buns at the end of this service.

HOLY SATURDAY - Saturday 19 April 2025 at 8.00pm

The first mass of Easter begins on Holy Saturday night. We kindle new fire, and light a candle to represent the light of Jesus Christ. There is a vigil of readings, and then Easter arrives with singing, organ music, bells ringing, and much celebration. We finish by receiving Communion together, as we proclaim the arrival of Easter.

EASTER DAY - Sunday 20 April 2025 at 10.30am

For those who can't manage the first mass during the night, there is an opportunity to attend Easter mass on Easter morning. Favourite Easter hymns are sung, and a creche is available for small children. Everyone is welcome to join us.