
Making a Donation...

We are entirely dependent upon donations to remain open - this page will help you to donate in support of our work.

Thank you for your continuing financial support for our life and ministry.

Raising Funds

To continue its work in the community a typical parish church has to raise at least £100,000 a year. This is to cover the costs of a priest, utility bills, maintaining and insuring the building, providing materials for services and children's work, supporting community programmes, and contributing to central Church costs including property and legal services.

Contrary to common belief, parish churches receive NO funding from Government, NO funding from taxes, and NO funding from "central Church funds" - in fact, the opposite is true, as each church must pay into the central church funds, to help fund the costs of the Bishop's office, training new clergy, paying pensions to retired clergy, and operating church schools.

Here in North Acton we do receive generous subsidies from neighbouring churches, because we operate in a more deprived area of London. Nonetheless, we have to raise about £60,000 each year. Our regular sources of income are what our own congregation put in the collection plate Sunday by Sunday, plus the donations kindly given by friends and supporters.


If you would like to contribute to the cost of maintaining St Gabriel's and its ministry, please use the following details to make a bank transfer (BACS) or to set up a regular bank standing order:

Bank:    NatWest Bank
Account Name:    St Gabriel's PCC
Sort Code:    50-41-20
Account Number:    40222098

Thank you for your support.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer, you can make your donation go even further by completing the attached Gift Aid form. Fill in the form and send it back to us. There is a postal address on the form, or you can email it to the parish office, or just hand it to a priest or a Churchwarden at church on Sunday.