Walsingham Cell
Our church has a local group (known as the "Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham and St Gabriel") of the Society of Our Lady of Walsingham (SOLW). Our Parish Priest is also a Priest Associate of the Holy House (PAHH) at Walsingham. Two members of the parish belong to the Walsingham Partnership. We offer a mass with intention for the Shrine at Walsingham once every month, as well as holding a Cell social meeting (usually with lunch) several times each year, and each summer we organise a residential pilgrimage week at the Shrine in north Norfolk.
Walsingham, a tiny Norfolk village, has for centuries been a centre of pilgrimage from across Europe, because of an appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary to a local noblewoman. Walsingham is a special place, where pilgrims experience rest, refreshment, peace, healing, and closeness to God. New Cell members are welcome.
Cell Superior: The Rev'd Timothy L'Estrange, PAHH
Cell Secretary: Major Matthew Christmas
Next local Cell Meeting: To be arranged (contact us for details)
Walsingham Pilgrimage: August 2024 (contact us for details)
We greatly value our musicians. Yangsook Shon is now our Organist, and we have a number of cantors, singers, organists, and others who support our music department. We also have the occasional support of visiting choirs. We usually assemble a small congregational choir each Christmas. Please contact us if you would like to sing, play, or otherwise support our music.
Parish Organist: Mrs Yangsook Shon
Chief Cantor: Mrs Elizabeth L'Estrange
[ Sadly, David Carter (our Organist and Director of Music for 54 years) died suddenly on 7 February 2020. He had been admitted to the Order of St Mellitus in 2016 by the Lord Bishop of London, in recognition of his exceptional service. ]
GUSTO stands for "Gabriel's United Social Team Organisation", although nobody ever uses the full name! The members plan our church's social life. We enjoy a range of quiz nights, afternoon teas, seasonal fairs, recitals, and other social gatherings, so the work of GUSTO is very important. There are usually opportunities for new members on GUSTO to help share fresh ideas as we plan and organise our social life.
Chairman: Mrs Sandra Busby
Sacristy Team
We used to speak of "altar boys", but these days sacristies are staffed as much by women and girls as by men and boys. New volunteers are always welcome to join the team. The work of the Sacristy Team is highly important, very varied, and deeply rewarding, and helps to keep the liturgical "show on the road". It consists of "Servers" who are the public face, assisting during services, and "Sacristans" who work behind the scenes, keeping store cupboards stocked, linens washed, and vestments repaired. New volunteers are always welcome, with full training provided.
Sacristan: Mr Mark Corcoran
Head Server: Mrs Elizabeth L'Estrange
Holy Dusters
Holy Dusters meet from time to time (roughly once a month) to carry out church cleaning, gardening, polishing, and tidying duties. The Holy Dusters keep our church building, and its gardens and other grounds, looking clean, tidy, and smart all through the year. Although some people are regulars, absolutely anyone can turn up to Holy Dusters - experience, membership, and subscription are all NOT required! We will welcome anyone to our gatherings, will provide equipment and instruction, and above all we will be pleased to see you.
Associated Groups
Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament: We do not have a Ward here at St Gabriel's, but there are some individual members of CBS, and our vicar is a Priest-Associate of the Confraternity. We are supportive of the Confraternity's aims and objectives.
We are able to offer advice and assistance to anyone seeking to join this Confraternity.
Guild of All Souls: As with CBS (above) there is no formal link with the Guild, but we do have several parishioners who are Guild members in a private capacity. We support the Guild's aims and objectives, and regularly visit the Guild Chapel in Norfolk.
We are able to offer advice and assistance to anyone seeking to join this Guild.
Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem: Our Parish Priest is a Senior Chaplain of the Order, and the Order's Commandery of Aragon holds services and events at St Gabriel's. We are able to forward membership enquiries relating to the Order of St Lazarus.
We are able to offer advice and assistance to anyone seeking to join this Order.
About some former groups:
Community Mentoring: From 2012 to 2019, we ran a successful Community Mentoring service at St Gabriel's, in conjunction with a London Probation Service local group for Community Payback. Former members of the programme are always welcome to return and say hello.
Women's Fellowship: For most of the life of our parish, we have had a dedicated social group for women. Originally known as the "Women's Association", it became the "Women's Fellowship". The group disbanded at the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, although we are keen to re-launch a similar group as normality returns.