Archived Page

This page is now merely an archive. The Coronavirus emergency has passed, and all aspects of parish life, and community life, have returned to pre-pandemic normality. Nonetheless, the page is preserved here in order that we may consult the "Covid Timeline", and remind ourselves how things unfolded.

Sensible Precautions

We are still providing hand sanitising gel at various locations within the church, and we advise that it be used. We have spare face masks available for those who want them (just ask), but they are NOT required. There are facilities for washing hands with soap and hot water. Our priests will continue (indefinitely) with the added precaution of applying hand sanitiser before the consecration at the eucharist.

Recorded Worship

Some live-streamed services can still be seen via our parish Facebook page. Some recorded and edited liturgies can still be viewed on our parish YouTube channel. There are links to our social media pages via the Home Page of this website.

Our Covid Timeline

2020 (First Lockdown) - we were forced to close the church, but worship continued in the Chapel of St Dorothy at the Vicarage. Children were also locked down, but we launched "Junior Church On-line", with weekly activities for children circulated digitally. We reinstated a weekly Parish Magazine, distibuted digitally, but also in printed form for those without technology. We launched a fortnightly "Zoom at Noon" social gathering on Sundays, when many members of our congregation gathered with Clergy on-line to share news. Funerals were held under very restricted conditions, including funerals for some church members who died.

2020 (Holy Week & Easter) - churches remained closed, but the full Holy Week & Easter liturgical programme was performed in the Chapel of St Dorothy, and (for the processions) in the Vicarage gardens. These liturgies were recorded and then broadcast as edited highlights later each day. We held three baptisms and one wedding during lockdown, conforming to special regulations for these services. There were more funerals with restrictions.

2020 (Autumn) - as churches re-opened, we resumed live worship, and welcomed our congregation back to church. We were able to celebrate our Patronal Festival in September, although the dinner party could not be held, due to social distancing. The Patronal festival guest preachedr was able to travel from Ireland to be with us.

2020 (Christmas) - we held all the usual Christmas services; the Christingle was distirbuted as a "home kit bag", and some services required pre-booking for tickets; we were unable to serve mince pies and other refreshments.

2021 (Second Lockdown) - congregations had to remain at home, but our church remained open for worship, with a small team of priests, clergy, servers, and technicians. We invested in live-streaming equipment, and broadcast most of our liturgies live over the internet, attracting large congregations on-line.

2021 (Holy Week & Easter) - we were able to resume worship with a live congregation for these important services, though they were also live-streamed for those unable to attend in person.

2021 (Summer) - we were able to continue with live congregations in church, and we also resumed live children's activites from June.

2021 (Autumn) - we resumed some social activities, inlcuding a full Patronal Festival, with champagne reception and dinner party. Our Patronal Festival guest preacher was able to stay overnight at the vicarage, due to relaxed legal measures.

2021 (Christmas) - we operated a near-normal Christmas programme, including mince pies, refreshments, and all services.

2022 (Omicron Wave) - we were able to continue operating in full throughout the Omicron outbreak, with safety measures in place. We produced and distributed St Gabriel's hand-gel for personal protection.

2022 (spring) - our social committee returned to planning full scale social activities, as we did before the pandemic.

2022 (autumn) - we returned to offering Holy Communion "in both kinds" - we had been receiving only the Host (the consecrated bread), but we returned to offering the Chalice (the consecrated wine) as well - people now chose to receive the chalice, or not, as they prefer.