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A brutal sadistic traumatizing MKUltra torture black operation being perped by the Irving Kultmafia ... Inc

This is an indictment against the perpetators of an extremely brutal extremely sadistic MKUltra trauma-based black operation being perped against the target by the Irving Kultmafia. Said mafia involves the national terrorsquad the RCMP and the local Irving terrorist organizion the unrelenting copstalking Saint John police "force" or the Irving Paedokopz Department. These two entities are partners with Irving - that word so to mean not just the Irving Klan but the entire kommunazi mafiosi structure build up around these degenerates. The Irvings are involved in said kultmafia, family members hold high corporate positions. The Irvings are nepotistic and their entire corporatized operation here in the Maritimes is nothing but "corporate incest" in its various forms including the fact that provincial governments are nothing much more than shills for the Irving super fascist or super nazi agenda. They are really mere Irving Cult Bureaucracies. At large in the Maritimes it is not what you can do but "who you blow" (it must be the Irving blackgoo monster) that determines your fate. The Maritimes has been reduced to a huge and absolutely corrupt Irving Whorehouse ... it is no problem for Irving honchos to get anything they want done here, any evil you could never imagine, they are served as gods, Irving is the PAEDOGOD of the bestial Maritimes. This is the sad and grim fact.

The Irvings presumably would deny involvment in the said blackop but they seem so cocksure of themselves who knows ... whatever, there can be no doubt they know about it and at the very least do nothing to stop it. The Irvings it is commonly known "own" the Maritimes. Like or no they are the leaders of this degenerate principality known as the Maritimes. These megalomaniaks do not bear the mark of true leadership. A real leader is not supposed to stand there and watch while the last good man standing in the region is being deathvalue tortured on a daily basis. The Maritimes is also a big Irving panopticon, there can be no doubt.

The MKUltra blackop includes daily torture by frequency / directed energy weapons which assault the neuro / neurological system of the target nonstop including the genitalia.

Central to the caper also is the "BigHeist" of 1999 when the target was set up and asset stripped and had his valuable intellectual property and personal notebooks stolen by the kultmafia. Perpetrators include Dan Gendron of the RCMP (just another RCMP serial killer at large), Child rapist Jay (Anderson/Henderson) of the Estabrooksian paedokopz department, known thuggg Stephane Eden and the then Murphy Storage operation off Rothesay Avenue in the totally corrupt anticity Saint John.

The horrific absolutely SADISTIC operation also involves synthetic telepathy with illegal frequency weapons. Under this aspect of the torture program an Irving avatar or avatars are constantly being raped into the brain of the target etc - mosly versions of KC Irving itself. This is a PAI ("predatory artificial intelligence") type avatar. It is like Irving is FORCING itself into the target's brain and forcing its will onto the target. It is BRAIN RAPE.

Thus references to the the word "Irving" in this blog can include said Irving avatar.

This is a very vicious assault on the human brain by the Irving Cult or the Irving Nephilim which now occupies and over runs the Maritimes.

The Irving name is on top of this nefarious and brutally sadistic cult, they are responsible for all of its shenanigans ... in spite of barriers they may put up to protect themselves legally they cannot escape personal responsibility, Nazi excuses are invalid. The Irvings are big military war contractors for warcriminal Kommunazi Kanada ... they have access to these brutal high tek neuro / neurological type torture weapons widely documented by the TI movement. When you see the type of degenerate / puerile infantilizing mind that rules the banal vicious degenerate Irving Cult at large the deployment of said weapons fits right in....

This part of the caper shows just how evil the psychopathic (its a kult whose uniformed goons and hookers actually swear a Satanic oath which includes allegiance to the Queen of Paedo who is Elizabeth Windsor.

Here is a quote ripped from a website:

“Actions are powerful, but it’s important to acknowledge that so are emotions. Emotional abuse can be the most painful thing a person can endure because it’s abuse of your soul and mind.” LaTasha “Tacha B.” Braxton.

Gendron told the target early on in the conversations with him what he wanted hear, that there should be an investigation into the scenario invoving Eden Murphy and the Irving Paedokopz of Saint John. This was a manipuation of the target's humanity or emotional manipulation, a very evil offence. (Anderson/Henderson continued the nefarious game).

This is a very horrific, extremely sadistic crime being perped against the target by Irving and the RCMP. Gendron manipulated the emotions of the target leading him to believe there would be a police investigation into their apparent operative Stephane Eden and Murphy Storage.

Jail war criminal Paulson and smash the supersadistic supernazi RCMP

This blog <The indictment> contains information about theft, theft of this blogger's intellectual property and personal notes, etc. It is an extreme MK trauma and torture operation and it was engineered by the Satanic paramililitary cult known in Kanada as the "RCMP" headed by what intel indicates is one of the the worst psychopaths in existence, Bob Paulson. Paulson stands for the Kanadian oldboys including the grisly belligerent Irvings here in the Maritimes and is facilitating hightek torture and human experimentation which is a war crime. Paulson needs to be jailed immediately and indicted and the RCMP Vatican assassin cult SMASHED forever. The Irvings and Paulson are committing ongoing crimes against posterity.

Greens are violent weapons of the (paedo Irvings) not opposition per the bluster ...

The Green Party apparently is a weapon for Irving and the Illuminati and the daddyoldbuttfucker Satanists who rule the Lucifer World from the backwoods and the underground hovels and such and probably the offworld too. Budilean sets you up. Indicates a phone session will be arranged with Coon and that the local representative will call. Never happened. This is SILENCE AS VIOLENCE. The Greens are self evidenly onside with the kiddiefucker Irvings in spite of the bluster of David Coon. He is apparently a cheap actor. No surprise ...

Irving whores under indictment

All along the grisly Satanic Irving Fiefdom or the Maritime Coven it has been a harrowing odyssey.

I am a poet and the mafia knows how to manipulate an unwitting poet until he cracks the case. The big crack is directed energy weapons: frequency/neurological weapons under which they can do horrible things to you. Like I knew Irving was bad, I never considered myself to be naive, but I never imagined they were this sadistic ...

Researching the eco/genocidal Vatikan assassin RCMP kleptoterror MKultra torture army

In the target's unrelenting war against the RCMP kleptoterror gang that has destroyed his career in cohoots or in partnership with the Irving Kult (mafia) he sought help from the Alex Jones organization back when it showed some promise ... back circa 2011. The headline links to a pdf research doc on the Vatikan assassin terrorsquad that was emailed to the said organization. There was no response, no surprise in retrospect (8sept2018sat). The doc also indicates other corrupt quasimainstream/quasialternative media orgs Democracy Now and RT.

Lucifer hospitals of the Irving Kult

Also implicated in this grisly scenario are the Moncton Hospital and the Saint John Regional Hospital ... at certain moments they were turned to in moments of distress and not understanding what was going on ... only to be tortured by those two agencies of the Irving Matrix or the Irving Kult of total degeneration - the Irving synthetic hive of the Maritimes or the Mcoven ... as ENFORCED on the degenerating/mutating (population) by the Satanic RCMP and its paedofuckbuddies in the paedokopz department of the region.

These two entities are involved in the Irving Mafia/RCMP blackoperations including the BigHeist and The Handjob. They are torture agencies.