Prayer Diary


Sunday 1st - 14th after Trinity. Deut 4:1-2, 6-9; Ps 15, James 1:17-end; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

‘Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are anger and courage. Anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain as they are.’      Augustine - from ‘Words of Hope’ by Amos Trust

Guide us Lord in our anger and our courage.

Monday 2nd – We pray for our government and MPs, for leaders across the world and locally, that they be guided by a sense of duty and service, by wisdom, mercy, and a longing for justice and peace. We pray for refugees and asylum seekers fleeing war and violence. We pray for all agencies responding to emergency situations to repair, restore and rebuild, to bring aid and supplies, to witness and report to the rest of the world.

Locally we pray for the people of Sark Rd, for a neighbourhood of understanding, hospitality and care.

Tuesday 3rd – We pray for all beginning a new term at school, college , or university, for all navigating feelings of disappointment or anxiety about grades achieved and new beginnings. We pray all who are beginning new jobs, apprenticeships or roles.

Locally we pray for the people of Selborne Rd, that they may sense God’s presence with them, whatever they are facing.

Wednesday 4th – We pray for all who are raising awareness of the large number of endangered species of animal and plant. We pray for all who work to enable humans and wildlife to coexist in harmony. We pray for those in areas where there are tensions and difficulties in doing this. We give thanks for the wonders of our world, for the plants and animals, for all God’s creation.

We pray locally for the people of Shanklin Close, that they may have a sense of the wonder and diversity of God’s creation.

Thursday 5th – On this International Day of Charity we pray for all those charities and volunteers working to make the world a better place, working to help the more vulnerable and those whose human rights are being eroded or abused.

Locally we pray for the people of Sibson Rd, that they find the welcome and support of a caring neighbourhood.

Friday 6th – As we approach World Literacy Day (8th) we remember the millions of adults worldwide who lack basic literacy skills. We pray for those who work to improve literacy and give thanks for those who teach individuals, classes and empower communities through literacy.

Locally we pray particularly for the people of Littler Ave, that they may feel the joy of belonging and being valued.

Saturday 7th –We pray for emergency services around the world, for those doing their best to serve their communities, responding to sometimes horrendous and often dangerous situations. We give thanks for all that is good in these services and pray for those services badly served either by systemic failures or by bad recruitment, training or self-serving individuals.

Locally we remember the people of Silverwood Ave and pray for their safety, health and well-being.

Sunday 8th – 15th after Trinity. Isa 35:4-7a; Ps 146; James 2:1-17; Mark 7:24-end

God help us to change

To change ourselves and to change our world

To know the need for it

To deal with the pain of it

To feel the joy of it

To undertake the journey without understanding the destination

The art of gentle revolution    AMEN

         From ‘Words of Hope’ Amos Trust

Monday 9th – International Day for Clean Aid for Blue Skies (7th). We pray for stronger partnerships, increased investment and shared responsibility to overcome air pollution. We pray for greater willingness and commitment to working together across borders and boundaries to protect the earth’s atmosphere and ensure healthy air for everyone. We pray for climate activists trying to ensure their concerns are taken seriously for the sake of the planet and all its inhabitants. 

Locally, we pray for the people of South Drive, that they may have peace and joy in their hearts.

Tuesday 10th - Thousands of people take their own life each year throughout the world, 1 every 40 seconds, with about 25 times that number making an attempt. We pray for all who feel desperate, for those who respond to people in need, for those who work to create a healthier society, enabling people to connect, communicate and care. We pray that we may be instruments of God’s compassion.

We give thanks for all who live in South Meade, and pray that they may be conscious of the love and beauty around them.

Wednesday 11th - We pray for writers, illustrators and publishers of children’s books; for libraries and librarians; for teachers and all who encourage children to enjoy stories, information books, poetry. We celebrate those with the gift of storytelling. We pray for all ensuring open access to libraries around the country, and all maintaining this welcome and essential resource for communities.

Locally we pray for all who work in our libraries and all who use them.

Thursday 12th – We pray for all trying to maintain the health, cleanliness and safety of our waters: oceans, rivers, canals, lakes. We pray for greater accountability, responsibility and reparation in the matter of sewage and other waste and pollution in our waterways. 

We pray locally for the people of St Annes Rd, that they may feel the richness of a community of respect, care and inclusivity.

Friday 13th – We pray for all in the midst of famine, drought and disaster; for all still trying to rebuild their lives and communities after wild fires and extreme temperatures and for all the agencies responding to emergencies.

Locally we pray for the people of Lundy Ave, giving thanks for the ways in which they enrich the lives of the local community.

Saturday 14th –  We pray for those whom we meet or are in contact with today, that we may see or hear them truly, that we may recognise their dignity. We pray for them in all they are coping with in their lives.

We pray locally for the people of St Clements Rd, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God. 

Sunday 15th – 16th after Trinity. Isa 50:4-9a; Ps 116:1-8; James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-end

God of the passionate heart,

Thank you for the values of your alternative community.

They give us vocation; they show us causes; 

They show us the value of our neighbours:

How to love one another,

Why one person being treated unjustly matters.

Because you are the God of the passionate heart;

You are the God committed to the poor.

We are in a world, where they are forgotten as the rich get richer.

You are the God who calls for purity of heart;

You are the God who calls for action;

For us to do justice and show mercy and walk humbly.

Thank you for the values of your alternative community.

They give us our passion for life

May we never lose our sense of calling.                  Garth Hewitt

Monday 16th  - Remembering this International Day of Democracy (15th) we recognise that an engaged, well-educated electorate is at the heart of strong democratic societies. We pray for young people, having to navigate a world, in which democracies are under threat from factors ranging from the proliferation of online mis- and disinformation, to rising populism and the destabilizing effects of the climate crisis.

We pray for the people of Swinfield Ave, for their health and well-being.

Tuesday 17th – On World Patient Safety Day we give thanks for all the medical skills, research, good record keeping, training and therapies which help to ensure patient safety. We give thanks for robust health systems and pray for those areas where there are difficulties in maintaining or financing good health care and access to such.

Locally we pray for the people of Stockton Rd, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God.

Wednesday 18th – On International Equal Pay Day we pray for all those penalised on discriminatory grounds, and we pray for all working to dismantle such discrimination.

Locally we pray for the people of Priory Ave, that they may feel the safety and generosity of a kind neighbourhood.

Thursday 19th – We pray for all grandparents, for good caring relationships between generations. We pray for all who have lost touch with their grandchildren; for those who feel alone or forgotten. We pray for all who feel adrift from family or friends, that they find ways to connect or reconnect with people who care and can offer support and hope.

Locally we pray for the people of The Mead and for the ways in which they help to create a community that feels safe, confident and supportive.

Friday 20th – We pray for all who take responsibility to clean-up after the carelessness of others, after polluting spillages, after wildfires, after rioting or looting. We pray for those who act on behalf of their community to build up, not to destroy.

We pray locally for the people of Maitland Ave and ask that they may sense the joy and richness of God’s creation and have a sense of God in whatever situation they find themselves in.

Saturday 21st – On this International Day of Peace we remember all those parts of the world where there is war or conflict. We remember those who have died or have been injured: those we know of - Ukrainian, Russian, Palestinian, Israeli and those we’ve heard less of, such as the 200 killed and thousands injured in Bangladesh after a crackdown from security forces on a recent student protest. We remember each one of these and those from many other conflicts as someone’s child, brother, sister, mother, father, grandparent, cousin, friend. We lament the loss of life and the injuries inflicted and pray for all who suffer in such conflict. We pray for all working towards peace and justice.

Locally we pray for the people of The Thorns, that they may sense the beauty and bounty of God’s creation.

Sunday 22nd – 17th after Trinity. Jer 11:18-20; Ps 54; James 3:13- 4:3, 7-8a; Mark 9:30-37

‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.’            Martin Luther King

Help us God of compassion, to search out light, to live in hope, to meet hate with love. Show us how, and be with us each timid step. Amen 

Monday 23rd - On this International day of Sign Languages we give thanks for all who have worked to ensure better access, training and visibility of sign languages. We pray for all using sign languages, and give thanks for the greater appreciation of the necessity of signing in everyday communications, in business and the arts.

We pray locally for the people of The Willows, that they may feel the security and dignity of a warm, inclusive community.

Tuesday 24th  - We pray for clean water for everyone; for all those made ill through lack of clean water; for all those whose livelihoods are in danger through water pollution. We pray for an attitude of greater responsibility and care towards our oceans, rivers and land.

We pray locally for the people of Thornbridge Ave, that they may feel heard, hopeful and valued. 

Wednesday 25th – International Day of Food Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (29th). We pray for all involved in food production: in preparation, packaging, storage, transport and sales. We pray for greater learning and awareness of the problems of food loss and waste amongst producers, food outlets and purchasers. We pray that ways may be found to reduce waste and to match excess food with those in need. We pray for foodbanks, volunteers, management and consumers.

Locally we pray for the people of Thorneycroft Ave, that they may experience the warmth and security of a welcoming and inclusive neighbourhood

Thursday 26th  – On World Maritime Day we pray for all those working to maintain the health of our seas and oceans. We pray for all who work in maritime industries, balancing the needs and safety of the workers with those who benefit from their work and the need to maintain the health of the maritime environment- plant life, creatures, land and water.

Locally we pray for the people of Vincent Ave, that they may find the support, joy and strength they need in their lives.

Friday 27th  – On World Tourism Day we recognise the role tourism plays in economic development, but perhaps also in fostering peace. On a global level, where nations are interconnected and interdependent, Tourism, an industry made by people and for people, can be a compelling force to defy stereotypes and challenge prejudices. It allows meeting the "other", learning about different cultures, hearing foreign languages, tasting exotic flavours, bonding with other human beings, and building tolerance. We pray for tourist areas and a balance between the needs of tourists and of locals.

Saturday 28th – We pray for all who are jobless, all who feel undervalued, all whose financial situation is precarious and housing inadequate.  We pray for refugees and asylum seekers fleeing war and violence, for those on the streets coping with abuse and violence, for those coping with addiction. We pray for all suffering abuse, racism, sexism and other discriminations. We pray for all feeling alone, threatened and frightened.

We pray locally for the people of Meachin Ave and Vicars Rd, that they may see something of God’s love in their lives and in their community.

Sunday 29th –  18th after Trinity. Num 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29; Ps 19:7-end; James 5:13-end; Mark 9:38-end

Living Lord, ignite in us a passion for justice

And a yearning to right all wrong.

Strengthen us to work for peace,

For reconciliation between communities,

For harmony between faiths,

For blessed are the peacemakers

They shall be called the children of God. AMEN          

           from Ramani Leathard

Monday 30th – We pray for the prisons in the UK, straining under pressures of cuts in staffing and resources, growing prison population, inadequate buildings and increased problems of drugs and control. We pray for the inmates and for prison staff. We pray for careful, skilful, wise and just policy making, sentencing and management. 

Locally we pray for the people of Warwick Rd, that they may experience love and beauty in their lives.

Lectionary readings

Sun Sep 1st   -  14th after Trinity. Deut 4:1-2, 6-9; Ps 15, James 1:17-end; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Sun Sep 8th – 15th after Trinity. Isa 35:4-7a; Ps 146; James 2:1-17; Mark 7:24-end

Sun Sep 15th – 16th after Trinity. Isa 50:4-9a; Ps 116:1-8; James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-end

Sun Sep 22nd – 17th after Trinity. Jer 11:18-20; Ps 54; James 3:13- 4:3, 7-8a; Mark 9:30-37

Sun Sep 29th –  18th after Trinity. Num 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29; Ps 19:7-end; James 5:13-end; Mark 9:38-end


Thursday 1st  -  We pray for parents with new babies, especially those on their own, those living in poverty, those with little support, those living in areas of conflict.

We pray locally for the people of Norbreck Ave, that they may have a sense of the wonder and diversity of God’s creation.

Friday 2nd – We pray for our government and MPs, for leaders across the world and political candidates, that they be guided by a sense of duty and service, by wisdom, mercy, and a longing for justice and peace.

Locally we pray for the people of Hurstville Ave, for a neighbourhood of understanding, hospitality and care.

Saturday 3rd –  We pray for those parts of the UK and around the world, which are popular holiday resorts. We pray that revenue coming in through tourism is able to benefit the local communities and businesses; we pray that locals in need of housing are not priced out of the market in favour of tourists; we pray for wisdom and skills in managing the needs of different groups.

Locally we pray for the people of North Mead, that they may sense God’s presence with them, whatever they are facing.

Sunday 4th – 10th after Trinity. Ex 16:2-4, 9-15; Ps 78:23-29; Eph 4:1-16; John 6:24-35

I awake this morning in the presence of the holy angels of God.

May heaven open wide before me, above me and around me,

That I may see the Christ of my love and his sunlit company

In all the things of earth this day.

Iona Community

Monday 5th – We pray for all on holiday, that they may find rest, renewed energy, delight and fun.

Locally we pray for the people of Oak Ave, that they find the welcome and support of a caring neighbourhood.

Tuesday 6th – Looking towards Manchester Pride at the end of this month and celebrating with Pride communities around the world, we pray for all who do not feel free to be themselves and to love freely; for all those around the world who suffer under repressive regimes, oppressive laws; for those who suffer through ignorance, prejudice, fear or hatred.  We pray for those who continue to challenge prejudice and fight for justice and human ringhts.

Locally we pray particularly for the people of Oakhouse Drive, that they may feel the joy of belonging and being valued.

Wednesday 7th – We pray for those working to provide hospitality, transport and entertainment for those on holiday. We pray for all involved in maintaining the areas of beauty, sites for walking, cycling, water sports. We pray for those involved in maintaining museums, galleries, structures and gardens for sight-seeing. We pray that they understand how important and well appreciated their work is.

Locally we remember the people of Oswald Lane and pray for their safety, health and well-being.

Thursday 8th – We pray for local government and community leaders. Locally we pray for the people of Oswald Rd, that they may experience the love and kindness of others today. 

Friday 9th – On this International Day for the World’s Indigenous peoples we pray for the approximately 200 groups of Indigenous Peoples currently live in voluntary isolation and initial contact. They reside in remote forests rich in natural resources in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Peru and Venezuela. They choose to live detached from the rest of the world and their mobility pattern allows them to engage in gathering and hunting, thereby preserving their cultures and languages. We pray for them as they navigate threats and challenges to the environment they depend upon and all seeking to protect the world’s natural resources against the greed, blindness and power of multinational companies and governments.

Locally, we pray for the people of Hardy Lane, that they may have peace and joy in their hearts.

Saturday 10th  - As we look towards the summer break, we pray for all families going on holiday; we pray for all families and individuals in need of a holiday, who won’t manage to get one for a variety of reasons. We pray that they nevertheless manage to get some rest and relaxation. We pray for all those summer clubs, teaching and caring for children during the school break, and for all those parents who will struggle to manage the break.

We give thanks for all who live in Patterson Ave, and pray that they may be conscious of the love and beauty around them.

Sunday 11th  - 11th after Trinity. 1Kings 19:4-8; Ps 34:1-8; Eph 4:25 - 5:2; John 6:35, 41-51

I am giving you worship with all my life,                                                                                             I am giving you obedience with all my power,                                I am giving you praise with all my strength,                                                                        I am giving you honour with all my speech.                                                         Praise to the Father, praise to the Son,                                                                                            Praise to the Spirit, the Three in One.

Monday 12th – We pray for all trying to maintain the health, cleanliness and safety of our waters during this holiday period: oceans, rivers, canals, lakes. We pray for greater accountability, responsibility and reparation in the matter of sewage and other waste in our waterways. 

We pray locally for the people of Plummer Ave, that they may feel the richness of a community of respect, care and inclusivity.

Tuesday 13th  – We pray for all in the midst of famine, drought and disaster; for all still trying to rebuild their lives and communities after such and for all the agencies responding to emergencies.

Locally we pray for the people of Polruan Rd, giving thanks for the ways in which they enrich the lives of the local community.

Wednesday 14th –  We pray for those whom we meet or are in contact with today, that we may see or hear them truly, that we may recognise their dignity. We pray for them in all they are coping with in their lives.

We pray locally for the people of Pinewood Rd, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God. 

Thursday 15th – We pray for those who work with young and elderly people, for those working with people who are distressed, anguished, sad or ill.  We pray that they work with patience, compassion and the skills needed.

Locally we pray for the people of Priory Ave, that they may feel the safety and generosity of a kind neighbourhood.

Friday 16th  - We pray for all who are sick in body, mind or spirit: for those on the parish prayer list; for those known to us; for those who feel forgotten or alone. We pray for those losing independence and mobility through old age; for all who are frightened or feel adrift. May they know the love and strength of God’s presence.

We pray for the people of Judson Ave, for their health and well-being.

Saturday 17th – We pray for our homes, families and friends and all whom we love. We pray that we never forget to let our love be shown and felt.

Locally we pray for the people of Provis Rd, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God.

Sunday 18th – 12th after Trinity. Prov 9:1-6; Ps 34:9-14; Eph 5:15-20; John 6:51-58.

Lord, clothe me with Compassion; a sorrow for each other’s needs.

Lord, clothe me with Kindness; a willingness to serve.

Lord, clothe me with Humility; an attitude of mind.

Lord, clothe me with Gentleness; the way of Christ in me.

Lord, clothe me with Patience; to accept and understand.

Lord, help me to forgive, Forgive, Lord. As you’ve forgiven me.

Ruth Newman

Monday 19th – This year, World Humanitarian Day marks the twentieth anniversary of the attack on the UN headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq, and celebrates the unwavering commitment to deliver for the communities the UN serves, no matter who, no matter where and #NoMatterWhat. We give thanks for and pray for all who work to save and protect lives and deliver the basic necessities of life. We pray for those communities they serve and to whom they bring hope.

Locally we pray for the people of Rainbow Close and for the ways in which they help to create a community that feels safe, confident and supportive.

Tuesday 20th – We pray for those whose work is unfulfilling, stressful or fraught with danger.

We pray locally for the people of Ransfield Rd and ask that they may sense the joy and richness of God’s creation and have a sense of God in whatever situation they find themselves in.

Wednesday 21st – International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism. Acts of terrorism propagating a wide-range of hateful ideologies continue to injure, harm and kill thousands of innocent people each year. Despite international condemnation of terrorism, victims and survivors of terrorism often struggle to have their voices heard, their needs supported, and their rights upheld. We pray for Victims often feeling forgotten and neglected once the immediate aftermath of a terrorist attack fades. We pray for all involved in providing the long-term multi-dimensional support: physical, psychological, social and financial for victims of terrorism.

Locally we pray for the people of Redland Crescent, that they may sense the beauty and bounty of God’s creation.

Thursday 22nd – On this International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence based on religion or belief we pray for all across the world who have suffered in this way. Freedom of religion or belief, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to peaceful assembly and the right to freedom of association are interdependent, interrelated and mutually reinforcing. Upholding these rights plays an important role in the fight against all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief. We pray for all involved in strengthening and upholding such rights. We pray that we may continue to grow in our capacity to engage respectfully with people of other views and beliefs.

Locally we pray for the people of Redwing Ave, that they may experience the warmth and security of a welcoming and inclusive neighbourhood

Friday 23rd  - On this International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition we pray for a greater recognition of the legacy of the slave trade. We pray for those victims of modern-day slavery and all those exploited by others.

"It is time to abolish human exploitation once and for all, and to recognize the equal and unconditional dignity of each and every individual. Today, let us remember the victims and freedom fighters of the past so that they may inspire future generations to build just societies." Audrey AzoulayDirector- General of UNESCO

We pray locally for the people of Larmouth Ave, that they may feel the security and dignity of a warm, inclusive community.

Saturday 24th   - We celebrate Manchester Pride and give thanks for the diversity of God’s creation. We pray for all individuals and groups who will be involved in the Parade, including the Village Church and ‘Christians Walk with Pride’. We pray for those who find it difficult to open their hearts and minds to the many and diverse groups who suffer through prejudice and discrimination.

We pray locally for the people of Reeves Rd, that they may feel heard, hopeful and valued. 

Sunday 25th –  13th after Trinity. Josh 24:1-2a, 14-18; Ps 34:15-end; Eph 6:10-20; John 6:56-69

I walk in the joy of the Creator; I walk in the love of the Son.

I walk in the power of the Spirit.

God the Creator, bless my eyes as they see.

God the Son, be ever close to me.

God the Spirit, protect and guide me. Amen

Daphne Bridges

Monday 26th  – As we look toward our Autumn programme at St. Clement’s and St. Barnabas, we pray for all involved in the preparation of particular events and services. We pray that we are successful in reaching those in need and in maintaining a positive relationship with the local community. We pray that we may reflect the love, welcome, peace and mercy of God.

Locally we pray for the people of Robertshaw Ave, that they may find the support, joy and strength they need in their lives.

Tuesday 27th  – We pray for all who are jobless, all who feel undervalued, all whose financial situation is precarious.

We pray locally for the people of Reynard Rd, that they may see something of God’s love in their lives and in their environment.

Wednesday 28th – We pray for victims and for perpetrators of crime. We pray for those imprisoned, for prison officers, police and those working in probation. We pray that our prison service is reviewed and renewed, that our prisons may be made fit for purpose and no longer overcrowded. We pray that our sentencing structure be overhauled, that prisoners may be given better opportunities to maintain relationships with family, find work and make a responsible, independent life for themselves beyond prison.

We pray for the people of Ryebank Rd, that they may know the generosity and compassion of their community.

Thursday 29th –  We pray for all whose lives are devastated by war and civil strife. We pray for Ukraine and for the Holy Land, for Sudan and for the many areas of conflict around the world. We pray for all those who have suffered loss, death and injuries, for refugees fleeing war and violence. We pray for all agencies responding to emergency situations to repair, restore and rebuild, to bring aid and supplies, to witness and report to the rest of the world.

We pray for the people of Royal Ave, for their health and welcoming, for their wellbeing and joy.

Friday 30th – International Day Of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. Enforced disappearance has frequently been used as a strategy to spread terror within the society. The feeling of insecurity generated affects the close relatives of the disappeared, but also their communities and society as a whole. It’s often used as a means of political repression of opponents, involving harassment of human rights defenders, relatives of victims, witnesses and legal counsel. Hundreds of thousands of people have vanished during conflicts or periods of repression in at least 85 countries around the world. We pray for all victims of such disappearances and for all challenging such practice and working for peace and justice. 

Locally we pray for the people of Leeswood Ave, that they may experience love and beauty in their lives.

Saturday 31st – International Day for People of African Descent

“I urge States to take concrete steps, with the full participation of people of African descent and their communities, to tackle old and new forms of racial discrimination; and to dismantle entrenched structural and institutional racism."  UN Secretary-General António Guterres

We pray for all people tackling and dismantling entrenched and institutional racism around the world. We pray that we too may play our part in solidarity with those who continue to suffer the effects of racism in its many different forms.

We pray for the people of Sandy Lane, that they may enjoy the safety and joy of a welcoming community of friendship.

Lectionary readings

Sun Aug 4th – 10th after Trinity. Ex 16:2-4, 9-15; Ps 78:23-29; Eph 4:1-16; John 6:24-35

Sun Aug 11th  - 11th after Trinity. 1Kings 19:4-8; Ps 34:1-8; Eph 4:25 - 5:2; John 6:35, 41-51

Sun Aug 18th – 12th after Trinity. Prov 9:1-6; Ps 34:9-14; Eph 5:15-20; John 6:51-58.

Sun Aug 25th –  13th after Trinity. Josh 24:1-2a, 14-18; Ps 34:15-end; Eph 6:10-20; John 6:56-69.

For Sunday 10.30 service: Readers – highlighted OT references. Intercessors may wish to note the gospel reading (last reading each week, this month all from John’s gospel, but this is by no means necessary.


Monday 1st - We pray that we may live in hope, despite the news of desperate situations. We pray that we may live in joy, despite sadnesses that threaten to overwhelm us. We pray that we may live in a just peace, despite injustice in the world that causes us anger, suspicion and fear.

We pray locally for the people of Longford Rd, that they may have a sense of the wonder and diversity of God’s creation.

Tuesday 2nd - We pray for children and young people at the end of the exam season. We pray that they are enabled to find some rest and relaxation, without being overwhelmed by anxiety awaiting results. We pray for those still in the midst of exams. May they find whatever support they need. We pray too for teachers, colleges, schools and parents all needing to find the best ways to support and encourage for the next step.

 Locally we pray for the people of Littler Ave, for a neighbourhood of understanding, hospitality and care.

Wednesday 3rd – As the Summer season brings in festivals of all kinds we pray for all who are involved in installing tents, stages, security fencing etc;  for all involved in ensuring the safety and sanitation of such events; for all involved in the medical needs and all providing food and drink at such events.

Locally we pray for the people of Lundy Ave, that they may sense God’s presence with them, whatever they are facing. 

Thursday 4th– As our Beer and Cider Festival begins we pray for all who have been involved in the organisation and preparation which enables it to take place. We pray for our friends in CAMRA and all on the festival committee.

Locally we remember the people of Lynton Rd and pray for their safety, health and well-being.

Friday 5th – We pray for all who will attend our Beer and Cider Festival over these few days. We pray for a time of community, successful fundraising, fun and good weather. We give thanks for an event which celebrates community and joy.

Locally we pray for the people of Grindley Ave, that they find the welcome and support of a caring neighbourhood.

Saturday 6th – We pray for all who will work as volunteers in the many events and activities that will be held in our communities this summer. We pray for all our Beer Festival volunteers, without whom such an event could not take place. We pray for all who make use of the Open Chapel and all who make it happen. May it reflect the love and hospitality of a welcoming and inclusive God.

Locally we pray particularly for the people of Lytham Ave, that they may feel the joy of belonging and being valued.

 Sunday 7th – 6th after Trinity. Ezekiel 2:1-5; Ps 123; 2Cor 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13

O Lord of light and vision, open our eyes to behold your presence, to perceive your love and see your purpose for us. Amen

 Monday 8th – Remembering the International Day of Cooperatives (6th) we pray for them and for all that we can learn from them. Because co-operatives are people-centred, not capital-centred, they do not perpetuate, nor accelerate capital concentration and they distribute wealth in a more fair way.

Co-operatives also foster external equality. As they are community-based, they are committed to the sustainable development of their communities - environmentally, socially and economically. We pray for organisations such as Christian Aid and Fairtrade supporting local cooperatives, enabling people to live more sustainably in difficult situations.

Locally we pray for the people of Maidstone Ave, that they may experience the love and kindness of others today.

Tueday 9th – We pray for those struggling to find their way, struggling to find purpose in their lives, struggling to live in peace with themselves. Locally, we pray for the people of Maidstone Mews, that they may have peace and joy in their hearts.

I am giving you worship with all my life,                                                                                             I am giving you obedience with all my power,                                                                                I am giving you praise with all my strength,                                                                        I am giving you honour with all my speech.                                                                                           Praise to the Father, praise to the Son,                                                                                            Praise to the Spirit, the Three in One. 

Wednesday 10th - As we look towards the summer break, we pray for all families going on holiday; we pray for all families and individuals in need of a holiday, who won’t manage to get one for a variety of reasons. We pray that they nevertheless manage to get some rest and relaxation. We pray for all those summer clubs, teaching and caring for children during the school break, and for all those parents who will struggle to manage the break.

We give thanks for all who live in Maitland Ave, and pray that they may be conscious of the love and beauty around them.

Thursday 11th - On this World Population Day we recognise that, in the words of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, ‘Gender-based discrimination harms everyone – women, girls, men, and boys. Investing in women uplifts all people, communities, and countries.’ We pray for a greater recognition of this and of the stresses of the population in particular regions of poverty, conflict, and vulnerability to the extreme effects of climate crisis.

We pray locally for the people of Malton Ave, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God. 


Friday 12th – We pray for all residential, care and nursing homes. We pray for all who work there: managers, carers, nurses, cooks, cleaners and those who maintain the buildings and grounds, and those who support the staff. We pray for skills, patience and compassion. We pray for all the residents and their families, that they feel affirmed, cared for, treated with dignity and respect.

We pray locally for the people of Hallows Ave, that they may feel the richness of a community of respect, care and inclusivity.

Saturday 13th  –We look to Emmeline Pankhurst Day (14th) and remember all who campaigned for women in Britain to get the vote. We pray for women throughout the world, still not recognised as having the same rights as men. We pray for all groups who feel marginalised, all who live in fear because of discriminatory laws, culture or practice. We give thanks for those with the courage to stand up and speak out and for all those who had the courage to lead the way.

Locally we pray for the people of Manchester Rd, giving thanks for the ways in which they enrich the lives of the local community.

Sunday 14th -  7th after Trinity. Amos 7:7-15; Ps 85:8-end; Eph 2:3-14; Mark 6:14-29

Blessed are you, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have blessed us with every spiritual blessing; enable us by your power to be true to our calling and live holy and blameless before you all our days. Amen

Monday 15th – On World Youth Skills Day we pray that we learn to listen to and learn from young people, that we learn as a society to encourage and support young people develop their skills and fulfil their potential. We pray for young people around the world, having to navigate difficult and sometimes hostile situations. We pray for a world that enables children and young people to thrive, not one that instils fear, insecurity and resentment.

Locally we pray for the people of Marmion Drive, that they may feel the safety and generosity of a kind neighbourhood.

Tuesday 16th - We pray for all who are sick in body, mind or spirit: for those on the parish prayer list; for those known to us; for those who feel forgotten or alone. We pray for those losing independence and mobility through old age; for all who are frightened or feel adrift. May they know the love and strength of God’s presence.

We pray for the people of Maple Ave, for their health and well-being.

Wednesday 17th - We pray for all involved in law and legal services. We pray for a just society, where everyone has access to legal services. We pray for all parts of the world where corruption undermines the fairness of trials and decision making. We pray for those caught up in destructive practices in our own country, and all organisations trying to create a more just society for everyone. We pray for charities like Amnesty International and Freedom From Torture, highlighting injustice and torture.

Locally we pray for the people of Mclaren Court, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God.

Thursday 18th - As we mark Nelson Mandela Day we pray for all working for peace and justice around the world. ‘It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build.’ - Nelson Mandela

Locally we pray for the people of Meachin Ave, that they may sense the beauty and bounty of God’s creation.

Friday 19th – We pray for teachers and others working in schools, colleges and universities as they break up for a well-needed rest and holiday. We pray for all those who will be looking towards a new position, new responsibilities or change in circumstances.

Locally we pray for the people of Hardcastle Ave and for the ways in which they help to create a community that feels safe, confident and supportive.

Saturday 20th - On World Chess Day we give thanks for play and games; we give thanks for the skills, enjoyment and learning that is possible through participation in playing games of all sorts. We pray for those who find it hard to allow themselves to play or participate in recreational activities that can offer so much that is positive and life-enhancing.

We pray locally for the people of Meadow Bank and ask that they may sense the joy and richness of God’s creation and have a sense of God in whatever situation they find themselves in.

 Sunday 21st – 8th after Trinity. Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23; Eph 2:11-end; Mark 6: 30-40, 53-end

God of peace, whose Son Jesus Christ returned from the dead to become the Great Shepherd of your sheep, guide us into the ways of peace and mercy, equip us to do everything that is good and build us up to be a holy dwelling place for you our God. Amen

Monday 22nd – We pray for those whom we meet or are in contact with today, that we may see or hear them truly, that we may recognise their dignity. We pray for them in all they are coping with in their lives.

Locally we pray for the people of Meadow Court, that they may experience the warmth and security of a welcoming and inclusive neighbourhood

Tuesday 23rd - We give thanks for those who entertain us with laughter and fun through comedy, art and stories. We pray for them and give thanks for the gifts of laughter and humour.

We pray locally for the people of Melland Ave, that they may feel the security and dignity of a warm, inclusive community.

Wednesday 24th - We pray for all who feel vulnerable, sorrowful and anxious having lost a life partner, that they may find the love and support of family, friends and community.

We pray locally for the people of Mottram Ave, that they may feel heard, hopeful and valued.

Thursday 25th – On World Drowning Prevention Day we pray for all those affected by the drowning of a loved one; we pray for all those refugees fleeing horrific circumstances, desperate enough to risk many dangers in the name of hope; we pray for all those involved in fishing, diving and water transport. We give thanks for all who work to prevent such drowning and for all who come to the aid of those in difficulty on the waters.

We pray for all involved in keeping our rivers and coastlines safe for people enjoying water sport and holiday activities and for those involved in education about safety round water. We give thanks for swimming instructors and pray for them in their work.

We pray for the people of Napier Rd, that they may know the generosity and compassion of their community.

Friday 26th  – As we look toward our Autumn programme at St. Clement’s and St. Barnabas, we pray for all involved in the preparation of particular events and services. We pray that we are successful in reaching those in need and in maintaining a positive relationship with the local community. We pray that we may reflect the love, welcome, peace and mercy of God.

Locally we pray for the people of Chorlton Villas (Hardy farm flats), that they may find the support, joy and strength they need in their lives.

Saturday 27th - We pray for the children of our parish and ask for God’s blessing on all our children and family work: on baptism preparation, All-Age services, Messy Church, Oranges & Lemons and Little Barnies, 8Up and Admission to Communion, school visits, assemblies and Experience Easter. We pray for all involved in maintaining this work.


We pray locally for the people of Neale Rd, that they may see something of God’s love in their lives and in their environment.


Sunday 28th – 9th after Trinity. 2Kings 4:42-end; Ps 145: 10-19; Eph 3:14-end; John 6:1-21.

Lord, we are fearful that we will sink amidst the storms of life; we ask that you uphold us, that you come and enfold us in your peace. Amen

Monday 29th –  We pray for all who are employed in Chorlton and the businesses of Chorlton. We pray for those looking for work and those unable to find employment because of health or caring issues.

We pray for the people of Needham Ave and  Limley Grove, for their health and welcoming, for their wellbeing and joy.

Tuesday 30th – World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Global crises, conflicts, and the climate emergency are escalating trafficking risks. Displacement and socio-economic inequalities are impacting millions of people worldwide, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation by traffickers. Those who lack legal status live in poverty, have limited access to education, healthcare, or decent work, face discrimination, violence, or abuse, or come from marginalized communities are often the primary targets of traffickers. 

We pray for the means to end this vile practice and to bring to account those perpetrating and accommodating it. We pray for all who have been trafficked, that they are found and enabled to live freely. We give thanks and pray for those helping and supporting people trapped in this way.

Wednesday 31st – We remember the International Day of Friendship (30th) and give thanks for our personal friends, for friends we miss and those we see often, for friends who challenge us, whom we find difficult. We give thanks for friendships across divides, between individuals, neighbouring communities, areas within one country and between nations. We pray that as individuals, communities, leaders of countries we have the courage, the determination, wisdom and will to negotiate for friendship in justice and peace. 

We pray for the people of Nicolas Rd, that they may enjoy the safety and joy of a welcoming community of friendship.


Lectionary readings

Sun Jul 7th – 6th after Trinity. Ezekiel 2:1-5; Ps 123; 2Cor 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13

Sun Jul 14th 7th after Trinity. Amos 7:7-15; Ps 85:8-end; Eph 2:3-14; Mark 6:14-29

Sun Jul 21st – 8th after Trinity. Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23; Eph 2:11-end; Mark 6: 30-40, 53-end

Sun Jul 28th – 9th after Trinity. 2Kings 4:42-end; Ps 145: 10-19; Eph 3:14-end; John 6:1-21.