Young People


St Bartholomew’s church cares deeply for the children of the parish of Long Benton and beyond!

We provide a variety of activities at the church for toddlers including a crèche on a Sunday and a playgroup which meets on a Friday. The church also provides space for a successful playgroup that operates Monday to Wednesday. In every activity the toddlers are encouraged to grow in confidence, knowing they are loved and cared for in a safe environment. We also offer a wide range of pursuits for children who attend primary school. The church has a well established Junior Church with very gifted leaders. 

The church plays an active part in all the local schools. This includes taking assemblies and being a source of support to members of staff. We are a church that cares and prays for all the children of the parish and actively encourage them to be involved in seasonal plays and occasional musicals such as Oliver!


We hope to support young people as they grow into young adults, and as Christians. Our heart is to encourage and nurture the gifts that God has given our young people. We aim to do this through a variety of ways. The importance of having fun and making friends in a safe environment is crucial for our young people of St Bartholomew’s. 

There is a strong ethos of ensuring our young people grow in God whilst having the tools to put their Christian faith into practice.  Allowing our young people to have opportunities to put their faith into practice is also vital part of the DNA of St Bartholomew’s. Serving in church services, junior church and Messy Church are three examples of this.