Making services happen

St Bartholomew's is fortunate to have a large group of dedicated helpers, who ensure that our services maintain their high standards. If you are interested in joining any of these groups, please speak to a Churchwarden after a service, or contact the Parish Office who will happily put you in touch with the relevant people.

Stewards and Sidesmen

The Stewards and Sidesmen welcome people to the Church, assisting the Church Wardens and members of the congregation by handing out hymn books, taking the collection and providing information to those that require it. They work on a rotational system so that the duties do not become too demanding. If you are interested in joining this dedicated team then please speak to the Vicar or a Church Warden who will be happy to provide you with further information.


Our Serving team is made up of a group of young people who play an integral part in our worship. They lead the processions, assist the priests in the Eucharist and help manage the vestry after the service. A usual procession would consist of a crucifer (the person who carries the cross) and two acolytes (the people who carry the candles). There is also a book boy or girl who carries the Gospel and on feast days a thurifer and boat boy. Whilst the serving team assists every week at the Parish Eucharist, they also attend special evening services on feast days and festal evensongs.  Our servers normally begin from the age of 10, and stop when they leave school. The regular commitment for beginners is one Sunday a month, often increasing slightly as they get older. We also have adult servers who serve at the 8 and 12 o' clock services. 

Flower Arrangers

Our talented and creative Flower Arrangers beautify the Church throughout the year, for Sundays, Weddings, Funerals and Feast Days. The annual Flower Festival provides an opportunity for them to show off their immense talent and dedication. They are an invaluable asset to our worship.


The readings at our Sunday services are done by members of the congregation from a rota. Most readers do a reading every few months, and are given the passage to practice before hand. Our readers normally start from about the age of twelve and all are welcome to join the team if they wish.

After Service Tea and Coffee

Our tea ladies (and gentlemen) manage tea and coffee at the Parish breakfast after the 10.00am Sunday service. The rota is organised by Joan Wilson. Please contact the Parish Office for details.


Our dedicated team of volunteers keep our church gleaming. Whether it be dusting, mopping, polishing or hoovering, their work is continuously appreciated by everyone.