Welcome to 

St Bartholomew's

St Bartholomew's Church, Long Benton

Welcome to the website of St Bartholomew's Church.

At St. Bartholomew's, we hope to make all our visitors welcome and part of our Church Family. We hope this website gives you an impression of our witness, and that in reading through this site you will feel encouraged to come and see us or to contact us. Please do feel free to get in touch if we can be of any help or assistance to you at any time.

This Week's Notices



Passion reading on Palm Sunday: An email has gone out to people who read regularly on a Sunday morning about the Passion reading on Palm Sunday. If you are not a regular reader but would like to take part in the Passion Reading, please speak to either Louise or Fr Ben.


Admission of Children to Communion: During Lent there will be two sessions of preparation for children aged 7 to 13 who would like to receive communion before they are confirmed. The PCC agreed to this policy in the autumn. “First Communions” will hopefully take place at Easter. If you would like to do this, please speak to Fr Ben or Louise


Monday Club: The next meeting of the Monday club, will be on Monday 26th February at 1pm in the hall. New members are always welcome, come along on the day or speak to a member of the committee.


Craft Club: The craft club is held in the Choir Vestry every Thursday from 1-4pm, everyone is welcome, whether you want to bring a creative thing to do or just drop in for a coffee and a chat.


Junior Church / Crèche: In order to update our records, there are new contact/consent forms for Junior Church and Crèche. Please fill them in and give them to Louise.


Lent Course: The Lent course is still running, it’s not to late to join. This is being held at 11am on a Wednesday and at 8pm on a Thursday. There is an accompanying book called “Exploring God's Mercy” that focuses on five classic images of the Christian gospel which are woven through scripture and the Christian tradition: Lost and finding the way; Trapped and set free; Sick in soul and healed; In turmoil and being at peace; Barren and becoming fruitful.

The book costs £7.99 from Church House Publishing (or even cheaper on Amazon). If you would like to participate, feel free to buy the book yourself. If you would like help getting the book, (us to get it for you), or if the cost is a worry, please speak to Louise.


New Evening Service: Starting in Lent, there will be a short (max 30 mins) service of Holy Communion at 7.30pm on Thursdays. This quiet and contemplative Service will be a great complement to your Lenten devotions.


Easter Cards / General greetings cards: Painted in water colour by Frances Atkinson, these will be on sale from Sunday 25th February in the hall. All proceeds are going towards Church funds.


World Day of Prayer: 1st March 10:30am at St Mary’s the Rosary, Great Lime Road (Clousden Hill roundabout)


This Week's Services

Contact Us

The Parish Office is open 9.00am - 1.00pm Tuesday to Thursday.

St Bartholomew's Church

Station Road, Benton, NE12 9NQ

0191 266 2015

