(A) Cats helped directly from jewellery sales

Big Boy's Story

This male tuxedo cat was found to be hanging around our cottage, spring of 2012. He was in pretty rough shape, due to many cat fights. One leg had quite a hole in it, his rt. eye was scratched and infected, and very, very thin. He was vetted, given antibiotics, and neutered. He was gentle, but was also very fearful of people. The picture above shows that He has survived the winter, being in great shape, due to a shelter, a food source, and no fighting since neuter. Although still fearful, he definitely is becoming more confident around people. (picture above is recent pict. May 18/13).

Dec. 2013 update: this sweet boy, developed abdominal tumors and went down hill and died in his shelter, within 3 weeks of noticing tumors. Up until that time, he seemed to be a happy, healthy boy.


This female farm cat, has been hanging around our cottage for several years now

having had many, many litters of kittens. She has now been spayed, needled

treated for parasites, and has tested negative for feline leukemia and aids. She

still visits regularly, but seems to be very contented living on the farm.

(Apr .2014 update), showed up on our doorstep, when at cottage for New Years and didn't leave. Brought home with us, due to impending storm and cold temperatures. Was vetted, (checked over and treated for parasites), and has spent the winter with us. Will soon take her back, and let her make her decision whether to return to farm or stay with us.

(Sept. 2014 update). She is now a permanent member of our family!

(October 2019 update) Tia Mom is certainly slowing down, but other then the occasional UTI she remains to be a happy and healthy member of our family.

Kit's and Ally's STORY (It started Feb. 2011, and is updated regularly, as even though feral, they have become a special pair for my sister and I ).

These 2 female kittys were trapped in February, 2011, spayed, needled, (thanks to the help of TAPA cat rescue), and kept inside for the winter. They were very feral, and very afraid. Had hoped they would tame up enough to place in a home, but by the 1st of July, it was decided that it would be best to release them back to the area they were trapped, in. They had shelter and a food source, and have survived their second winter, with no further litters of unwanted kittens. They are a good example, of how well TNR works.

April 2014 update, kitties have survived another winter, and look to be in great shape.

December 2014 update: These kitties were trapped and brought back to HRM, to spend the winter inside. Jewellery sales provided funds, to have them treated with revolution and milbemax for parasites. Thank you to my sister, Sherry, who is fostering them, for the winter, and they will be released back to Amherst Shore in the spring.

May 2015 update: These sweet girls have been released back to Amherst shore, and are very happy to be free once more. The little Tabby, has tamed up quite a bit, and although, still very nervous, she will let us pet her. The little black and white girl, has remained feral, and although, she likes to stay fairly close, she won't let anyone touch her. Being so attached to each other, both had to be released.

November 2015 These sweet girls have been once more brought in for the winter. Even with a shelter and feeding station set up, they seem like lost little souls, when we'd be up to our cottage. They will have another safe, warm winter, with full bellies but unfortunately are restricted to one room.

June 8th, 2016 update

The girls were finally released back to Linden Beach, May 28th, and are doing well. An earlier release had been planned, but due to the little Tabby, having a cystitis attack, a vet appointment was needed instead. After antibiotics and pain med, she is doing well, but can only be on a canned diet. Thank you to my dad, who is going down twice to feed these girls, has made their release possible. Their shelter has once more, been set up, which they do use continuously. The little tabby(Alley) made great progress this winter, enjoying being petted, although remaining to be very nervous. Unfortunately, the black and white kitty (Kit), has no interest in human interaction at all, other then to feed her. (unable to touch her at all ). They are so attached to each other, which is why they both have to be released together. Once the weather got nicer, I did notice they were starting to get depressed, and appetites decreased. They have the best life possible, and are enjoying their freedom once more.

October 2019 update. These two feral girls remain to be happy healthy girls. My sister and I continue to trap them every fall, to bring inside for the winter, and release them each spring. We've been doing this for 8 years now. You would think Kit would have become friendly by now, however she prefers to enjoy us from a distance. Alley loves my sister, and niece and they're able to easily pat her.


This male tuxedo cat, also was noticed hanging around our cottage on Amherst shore in Spring of 2012. I at first thought he was feral, as he seemed so afraid of people. He was trapped ,neutered, needled, treated for parasites, and also tested negative for Feline leukemia and aids. This picture is his first day after being neutered. He ended up being a very loving, sweet boy. He was released, and a shelter has been set up for him, and he is fed regularly. Still hoping to eventually be able to find a home for him, due to his sweet, loving nature. Below is a picture of him a couple of months after vetting, you can certainly see the difference in his appearance and his confidence.

Update: Nov. 2/13. Beautiful boy still outside, but he is looking for his own home!

This boy has just become more and more affectionate and trying to get inside the house any chance he gets.. He really wants a home and family of his own. He is a very low key boy just wanting to be loved. I would love to try to get him inside for the winter. If anyone would be interested in even fostering him for the winter, that would be amazing. My e-mail is : srvstiles@gmail.com . He is on the Amherst shore, but could easily be brought back to HRM, if anyone is interested.

Jan. 2014 update. A very compassionate family, contacted me about adopting this boy. Unfortunately, when we went up to get him he was no longer around. We checked frequently through the month of Dec., as well, as checked with neighbours who also feed some of the strays, but with no sightings. He had disappeared for the summer and returned in the fall, so hoping, that someone else in the area is now feeding him and/or has adopted him.

June 11/14, This sweet tux boy reappeared early April, and stayed once again, going from my parent's place across the street, to our deck when we were up, to our cottage. He was brought back to HRM 2 weeks ago, vetted, and has now found his loving forever home. His life is about to become so much better.

October 2019 Tux, who's name is now Harley, remains to be healthy and happy and has a wonderful home as an indoor cat. He's so loved, a family member actually got a tattoo of him on her arm. Lucky little guy!