2018 Rescues page 2


Tiger was trapped Oct. 30/18. He is a beautiful golden tabby, who had shown up in the spring with another kitty, who looked very much like him, except for spots instead of stripes. I was so hopeful to get both kitties vetted, but unfortunately, the other kitty disappeared, before I was able to get them. I was so sure this boy was a dropped off fearful pet, and not feral, as although, unable to get too close or touch him, if I talked to him, he would meow at me, and if I put food down and called him, he would come back. Trapping him was fairly easy, getting him on my first try, and vetting went smoothly, him being a healthy boy. However, this boy was totally feral, and even though keeping him inside for over a week, he always growled and spit at me, when putting his food in. He never used either one of his two litters, and became very depressed. I decided the best for this boy was too release him.

Oct.2019 update- This boy has joined the feral colony my parents feed, survived the winter in his own shelter, and looks in great shape and seems happy. He's finally been accepted by the other cats.

Little Bear

November 2018 - Little Bear, a little black and white feral cat that my mom had looked after for many years, was very sick, and laying on her deck. My mom was able to easily pick her up and put her in a pet taxi for me to take to the vet. Unfortunately, they found her to be blind and very sick. Blood work was done, and it showed she was having serious kidney issues. Unfortunately, it was decided that the best thing for her, was euthanasia. It is never easy to make this decision, and even afterwards, you always wonder, was it the right decision, and spend a lot of sleepless nights feeling so guilty.