(B) Dec. 2014 updates

Mama Cat (vetted end of November)

This feral female cat had been being fed by a compassionate couple on Amherst Shore, all last winter, but had disappeared in the summer. (they believe another cottager was feeding her).She did, however, in the fall, show up, once again, with 2 older kittens. Unfortunately, the kittens disappeared, in the middle of November, and haven't been seen since. She was trapped the end of November, and spayed, needled, and treated for parasites, after testing negative for leukemia, and aids. A shelter, shelter heating pad, has been set up for her, and the couple will continue to feed her, throughout the winter. Although they are unable to pet or touch her, she does get quite close to them.


Jewellery sales have also enable me to purchase 2 more insulated cat shelters, as well as 2 shelter heating pads, and an electric water dish. This winter will be a much more comfortable one for these sweeties.

Two Male Strays (vetted end of October)

Grey and white male Tabby,( above picture), neutered, needled and treated for parasites. Friendly with the couple that are feeding him, and they feel he would make an excellent pet for someone. They will continue to feed him, and a shelter has been set up for him, and the two tabby's below for the winter, until, hopefully a home can be found for him. If anyone is interested in giving him a try, please e-mail me at: srvstiles@gmail.com .

Two male Tabby's, both very friendly, and loving.The one on the left, has been neutered, and vetted, leaving the one boy (on the right), left to be done. Hoping to raise enough money by spring, through jewellery sales, to have him done as well. They, also have a shelter set up, and are being fed regularly, and do get attention, from their caregivers.