Terms Of Use

(last updated: 2006/11/03)

All of the projects on this page are freely available for you to view and perhaps learn from. If you wish to create a product for sale based on the ideas presented here, please do the right thing by contacting me and we'll work out some sort of agreement. The information presented here is the result of gifts from GOD. He is the ultimate owner and originator. I would recommend that you think it over hard and long whether you want to use the information for puposes against His will. You WILL see the consequences. If we create a monetary agreement, then a minimum of 10% (as required by GOD) will be given to Him. Much of the information presented here is "common" electronics, so no need to contact me. If you are in doubt as to whether a piece of information is "common", then you should probably contact me. ssea000@gmail.com.
