Display Buddy

(last updated: 2009-02-06)

Purpose: Provides a dedicated display for important messages that you might miss if your monitor is switched (through a KVM) to a different computer or it is in screensaver mode.


This project is very similar to the Message Minder project. The main difference is that the Display Buddy's hardware uses the ST Microelectronics "ST Primer" instead of the Luminar Micro board. The ST Primer provides a color LCD that can show several lines of text, and it uses an ST Microelectronics STM32 microcontroller. Similar to Message Minder, a PC application watches for Microsoft Outlook messages, sends the message through the USB interface, and then message is shown on the LCD.

See the attached documentation for more thorough information on the design.

Download (see Attachments)

DisplayBuddy_Documentation.doc - hardware and software design description

DisplayBuddy_code.zip - code for the remote device, Raisonance Ride 7 C compiler/IDE/Debugger, uses CircleOS

DisplayBuddy_PC_Application_code.zip - Visual C# application that sends MS Outlook messages down to the remote device.

stmcdc.inf - usb driver for ST Primer

Terms of Use


Copyright Steven R. Nickels, 2008. All rights reserved.