Sensor Node

last updated: 2015-06-04 (Under Construction)

Purpose: Sensor Node is a controller module that can be used to interface with various sensors and actuators; it communicates with a LIN Master controller - typically a Remote Node.


The Sensor Node is a generic hardware module consisting of a Microchip PIC16 microcontroller and an Atmel ATA6623A LIN transceiver - which additionally provides a voltage regulator.


The module contains several IO which can be programmed for digital input, digital output, PWM, analog input, uart, SPI, I2C, ect. The generic hardware module and the base firmware is usually used in a customized application. For example, a temperature sensor with I2C interface may be connected and the firmware is customized to periodically measure the temperature and report the results to the Remote Node.


Rain Sensor

Wind Sensor

Light Sensor

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