
(updated: 2007-08-03)

Purpose: Demonstrates how to use the Weather Channel XML service with the Java programming language


The Weather Channel (www.weather.com) provides an XML data feed of weather data. It is freely available, provided you register and follow a few rules. More information can be found at http://www.weather.com/services/xmloap.html. jWeatherChannel is a Java application that shows examples of how you to use the XML data feed with the Java language. The XML data is retrieved using the URL class, parsed using DOM (org.w3c.dom), and certain items are shown on the console output.

These examples do not conform to the rules (not intended to be a final, distributed application). You will need to register with with weather.com and then you'll receive an email with a "partner ID", license key, and an sdk.zip file which contains the interface guide document and several icon files. I have removed my partner ID and license key from the example files.

Download (see Attachments)

jWeatherChannel_R20070803.zip - NetBeans 5.5 project, using Java 1.6.0_01 See the \src\jweatherchannel\Main.java file for more information on setup and background.

Terms of Use


Copyright Steven R. Nickels, 2008. All rights reserved.