Remote Node

last updated: 2015-06-04 (Under Construction)

Purpose: Remote Node is a wireless module that interfaces sensors and actuators to the myZone system.


The Remote Node module is a "generic" design including a Microchip PIC24F microcontroller and a Microchip MRF24J40MA 802.15.4 wireless data radio module.


Sensors can be connected to either the I2C port (if the sensor supports that interface and can be located within 10" of the Remote Node), or the Remote Node can be combined with the LINM1 LIN Master to provide an interface to Sensor Nodes (used when sensors need to be located > 10" from the Remote Node but close enough where using a wired connection is a lower cost option versus creating an independent Remote Node).

Sensor Node Ifc (LINM1)

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Copyright Steven R. Nickels 2015. All rights reserved.