Welcome to the
Sampford Peverell Team Mission Community 

Sunday 21st July
8th Sunday after Trinity


Sunday 21st July - Trinity 8

 9.30am  Holy Communion Sampford  Peverell
11.00am Matins Burlescombe

  6.30pm Evensong Holcombe Rogus


Old Testament Jeremiah 23:1-6

Epistle Ephesians 2:11-22

Gospel Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

Click here to read this Sunday's Readings

Upcoming Events

 Vacancy Prayer

During the time of Vacancy we are using this prayer. 

We are praying that the right person will be directed be Priest in our Team of churches.

We are also praying that we will be open to God's direction for the way we live as God's people in our parishes and communities.


Team Service with Archdeacon Andrew

Hockworthy Fete

Large numbers of people turned out to enjoy Hockworthy Fete in the grounds of Hockworth House.  The weather stayed fine as people wandered around the stalls and sampled a cream tea.  It was a very happy occasion.


The following announcement was made by Bishop Jackie on June 4th 2024.
The Diocese of Exeter is pleased to announce that Rt Rev’d Dr Mike Harrison has been appointed by King Charles to be the 72nd Bishop of Exeter.  Bishop Mike will be installed as Bishop of Exeter in a service at Exeter Cathedral in the autumn. Date to be confirmed.  We are delighted with this news and look forward to welcoming Bishop Mike and his family to Devon.
He was ordained in 1990 after discerning a call to ordination following a Mathematics degree at Cambridge University. For the past eight years he has served as a suffragan bishop in Suffolk, while previously he was Director of Mission and Ministry for Leicester Diocese and before that served in inner-city and urban parishes in London. 

He said “I have long-standing connections with Devon – we used to holiday in North Devon every year as a child, I courted my future wife in Exeter when she was a student at St Loyes College, and I discerned a vocation to the ordained ministry while worshipping at Exeter Cathedral and a local church. Rachel and I love living by the coast, and so we are really looking forward to walking and cycling the beautiful coastlines of Devon - north and south. “As Bishop for the whole of Devon, I am looking forward to providing oversight, pastoral care, prayer, fellowship, and partnership in the gospel across the whole breadth of the diocese. We are a broad church with a diversity of traditions and views, and I am committed to working together and being united in our shared mission to grow in prayer, make new disciples and serve the people of Devon with joy.” 


When you want to mark life's big events, we want to be there for you - when you want to celebrate the arrival of a child, when you want to get married and when you want to mourn the loss of someone you know.  

Just Ask and find out how we can help.  Contact Church Office

For more information about Christenings click here.

For more information about Weddings click here.

For more information on Funerals click here.


If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please do not delay in your response.  If there is an immediate risk of harm to an individual you should dial 999 and report your concern to the police.
If you are a young person and you feel unhappy about something happening to you, you can call Childline on 0800 11 11. This also provides support for those suffering from domestic violence.
·         Each Parish has a Safeguarding Representative, their contact details on on the relevant church page
·         The link to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team’s contact details -exeter.anglican.org/resources/safeguarding/safeguarding-team/ Clicking this link gives a redirect notice as you are being taken to the Exeter Diocese Safeguarding page
Our Safeguarding policies and National helplines can be found on our Safeguarding page.


Our Values are at the heart of everything that we do;
Excellence, Integrity and Respect.
Everyone is welcome including those of all faiths
and none.    

Diocese of Exeter

Growing in Prayer Prayer is a life-giving activity that opens up deep places within us to God’s transforming grace.   Growing in prayer is essential if we are to become the people and the Church God calls us to be.Making new disciplesAs the Christian story is less and less known, we must find new ways of telling the story, of explaining the faith and giving a reason for the hope that is in us.  With Jesus Christ as our companion and guide we can travel through life differently.Serving the people of Devon with joyAs followers of Jesus Christ, we want to make a difference in the world and make God’s love and justice known. In our church life we seek to be local, participatory and outward looking.