St Peter's, Uplowman

A haven of hope, where everyone matters.

St Peter's Church,
EX16 7DW

Church Wardens:
Pam Holley - 01884 820868
Steph Packham - 07914 246808

He's Done it!

Despite two failed attempts due to inclement weather, the sun finally shone on Dunkeswell Airfield and Rev Glyn was able to successfully complete his tandem parachute jump.

With a fear of heights and only having been in a plane just two times in his life, a parachute jump was not on Rev Glyn’s bucket list, but he was willing to go the extra mile to help raise funds for one of his churches in desperate need of a new roof: St Peter’s Church, Uplowman.

Despite the nerves, Rev Glyn was absolutely amazing on the day, completing the 15,000 feet jump in style. It is hard to imagine how it must feel when the plane door opens and you look down on the world below; to picture what a minute of free fall feels like; and to understand the relief you must feel when the parachute opens and you gently drift back down to earth, taking in the beautiful scenery around you. Please do ask Rev Glyn all about the experience next time you see him.

So what a brave man who truly deserves the title “Gutsy Glyn the parachuting priest”. His story certainly captured the imagination of local people who came out on each occasion to support him, and he even became quite the regular on BBC Radio Devon with his updates from the airfield.

To date Rev Glyn has raised £2,300 for the Church Roof Fund and the donations are still coming in. If you would like to donate then please go to

Now I wonder what will be next for our intrepid Rector. The Church Wardens at Uplowman are very happy to receive any suggestions you may have. 😊

written by Steph Packham

An Evening of Song in The Village Hall

Anybody who went along to Uplowman Village Hall on Sunday was treated to a wonderful Cabaret Evening of songs from the shows, sung by Bella Barlow and her husband, Matthew Ronchetti.  Andrew Barlow accompanied on keys and Dave Cartwright on drums.  It really was a West End production in Uplowman!  All proceeds went towards the Uplowman Church Roof Fund.

Uplowman had a busy couple of weeks .  Three Uplowman residents held a wonderful plant sale and coffee morning to raise funds for St Peter’s Church Roof. Huge thanks to Spike, Jackie and Suzanne.  Then they held their Fete and Dog Show.  Rev Glyn and Mandy were real sports for 'Splat the Vicar and his wife'!

At the end of May Rogation and Pentecost were celebrated at the same time with an informal service and a walk and picnic.



After the service there were art and craft activities for families to enjoy.


In November Uplowman School raised money for the British legion by creating human poppies and selling the photos.  Glyn and Steph were involved.  In December we held our Christmas tree festival and enjoyed a Concert by Andrew Barlow and friends.

The “Little Black Dress Advent Challenge”


The “Little Black Dress Advent Challenge” started today  ("8th November) - a fundraiser with a difference to raise money for the Uplowman Church Roof Fund. Any donation so gratefully received to help us make our lovely little church watertight again.  27 days in a little black dress 😊.  Steph and Pam

Little black dresses were worn for ALL occasions - in the pool, at a smart 'do' and at the Christmas tree festival.


Uplowman Church has some lovely news to share with you all - Pam Holley has been recognised by the Diocese of Exeter for her outstanding Christian service and is being presented with a Companion of St Boniface award. This WAS presented to Pam at the Cathedral in Exeter on 25th July. She has also been invited to afternoon tea in the Bishop’s Palace Garden before the service.  Many congratulations to Pam - Uplowman wouldn’t be quite as special without all that you do and have done, it’s great that this has been recognised by others. 


aqua_bears_&_prayers (720p).mp4

In June Bishop Jackie visited Aqua Bears and Prayers to meet the children and families and join in a session.

She was very interested to hear about what we are doing in the Sampford Peverell Team Mission Community as a way of reaching out to people in our community who wish for some spiritual input, but do not come to our churches.

Our visitors were treated to a Bible story in the pool, prayer time with floating candles and faith songs as well as a chance to see the children playing in the water with a range of colourful props. We end each session at Aqua Bears with a drink and a biscuit and this gave Bishop Jackie the chance to meet the children and families and hear first hand what they think about the project.

This film is the one that was made by the team from the Diocese and sent out on Roots and Shoots.


Should you find yourself wishing to spend time in prayer within a church setting, we have set up a prayer space for you in St Peter’s Church, Uplowman.
The area contains items that may be of encouragement to you, including a world prayer map, battery candles, bible, passages from scripture, plus prayer stones and holding crosses. There are also a couple of prayer bears available should a child wish to pray too.
You will also find a box for you to leave any private prayer requests that you wish to be prayed into privately by Rev Glyn.
It is so important that we hold each other up in prayer. During the good times and the sad, the challenging and the joyous. Prayer can be a comfort and a blessing.
We will update the prayer space from time to time with other ideas that might help you. If there is anything you would like to see in the prayer area, please do let us know.  The church is open daily from dawn until dusk so please do come on inside and enjoy the space.     Steph and Pam. 

In December 2021 the Christmas Tree Festival was well attended, with over 20 entries.

In November volunteers at Uplowman Church built a 5-star bug hotel.  

The aim is to increase bio-diversity and create a haven for bugs of all sorts.

This, along with other initiatives in the Team, is one of our responses to the Climate Crisis.

All our churches are considering how to become carbon neutral by 2030.

Steph's swimming pool was the venue for a new venture in the Team, Aqua Bears and Prayers.  

Aimed at Toddlers, children have fun in the water, with their carer, in the context of prayer.

It takes place on a Wednesday morning.  Steph was assisted by Pam and Mandy and six families had a great time.


Each of the churches within The Sampford Peverell Team Mission Community fully recognizes and accepts the House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policy Statement “Promoting a Safer Church 2017” and commits to complying with the current Church of England and Diocesan safeguarding policies and practice guidance.  In so doing we will comply with the secular multi-agency safeguarding procedures relating to children and young people and adults experiencing or at risk of harm, abuse or neglect.
The rest of our Safeguarding Policy statement can be found on our Statements pages.
If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak to someone:·         The name of our Parish Safeguarding Representative is Stephanie Packham·         His contact details are Tel: 07914 246808  or Email:·         The link to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team’s contact details -
If you are a young person and you feel unhappy about something happening to you, you can call Childline on 0800 11 11.”