
At the end of July 2002 schools said goodbye to Robin, as Children, Families and Schools Worker.  Burlescombe School presented him with his own Leavers' Hoodie.

School Visits to our Churches

Godly Play Sessions

We Eat Elephants Support

We have with five primary schools in our Mission Community (more than any other Team in Devon). Four of them (Burlescombe, Sampford Peverell, Webbers and Uplowman) are church schools

We strive to build strong relationships with children, parents, staff and governors through the delivery of a range of Christian-based teaching.

* “Open the Book”          * Collective worship

* Leavers' support          * Services       

* Support for SIAMS and RE Lessons

In the past we have also offered ...

* “Godly play”          * “Bible story club”

We do this by regularly going into our schools to lead Collective Worship. A team of volunteers go in and do Open the Book, a dramatic way of presenting Bible Stories.

Members of Churches serve on the Governing bodies of all our schools as Foundation Governors and in other roles.