Travel To Samoa



American Samoa

Republic of Samoa

The Samoan Islands are a group of volcanic islands located in Polynesia, almost midway between Hawaii and New Zealand. The group consists of eight small islets and the two main islands of Savai'i and Upolu both of which make up the Republic of Samoa and the Manu'a Islands, Rose Atoll, Swains Island and the main island of Tutuila which make up the United States territory of American Samoa.

The Samoan Island's nearest neighbour is the New Zealand island territory of Tokelau 500 kilometers to their north.

The islands rely heavily on tourism and there are several hotels and resorts for visitors, along with several clubs, bars, shops, markets and restaurants.

Tourists can take advantage of several activities including scuba diving, snorkeling, walking and cycling tours, surfing, game fishing, golf and various boat trips.

Travel between the Republic of Samoa and American Samoa is expensive but reliable and hassle free, with no political or cultural problems existing between the two island groups.

The islands of Samoa are characterised by their high mountains, active volcanoes and vast areas of tropical rain forests. Samoan beaches are made up of coral shells so are not the best areas for sun bathing but the seas around them are famed for their scuba diving, snorkeling and surfing.

The predominant religion of the Samoan Islands is Christian.

The currency of American Samoa is the U.S Dollar.

The currency of the Republic of Samoa is the Samoan Tala.

Despite being neighbouring islands the two groups are situated on either side of the international dateline with the Republic of Samoa located on time zone UTC +13 and American Samoa located on time zone UTC - 11. Therefore the islands have exactly the same time but the Republic of Samoa is one day, or twenty four hours, ahead of American Samoa.



The Samoan Islands are served by two domestic airports, two international airports, four sea ports and a good local bus service.

Fagali'i Airport, located on Upolu Island, is served by flights from neighbouring Pago Pago on American Samoa.

Maota Airport, located on Savai'i Island, is served by flights from Apia on Upolu island, Pago Pago in American Samoa and Asau Airport in the north of the island.

Faleolo International Airport, located on Upolu Island, is served by international flights from Auckland in New Zealand, Brisbane and Sydney in Australia, Nadi in Fiji, Honalulu in Hawaii, Pago Pago in American Samoa and Maoto Airport on Savai'i Island.

Tafuna International Airport, located near Pago Pago on Tutuila Island in American Samoa is served by flights from Honalulu in Hawaii, Apia in Samoa, Faleolo in Samoa and the island of Tau in American Samoa.

The four main cargo / ferry ports in Samoa are located at;

Apia Harbour on Upolu Island where there are regular ferry services to Pago Pago in American Samoa and Tokelau, Salelologa Port on Savai'i Island with regular ferry services to Apia on Upolu Island, Mulifanua Port on Upolu Island with regular services to Savai'i Island and a deep water port at Fatatogo Docks at Pago Pago in American Samoa.

Ferry journeys between Upolu Island and Savai'i Island take around one hour and ferry times between Upolu Island and Tutuila Island in American Samoa take around seven hours.

The Republic of Samoa's colourful local bus services are regular and cheap and highly recommended. There are no train services in the republic.

Car hire is plentiful within the Samoan Islands, although there is little in the way of scooter, motorbike or bicycle hire, although there are organised bicycle tours.

Many rural roads travel across open streams, so caution must be taken when doing this, particularly during the rainy season.

Traffic violations are not enforced as well as they should be in the Republic of Samoa with traffic congestion becoming a big problem particularly in urban areas.

Vehicles drive on the left in the Republic of Samoa, but only since 2009, which has led to many problems due to most of the vehicles still being right hand drive and some of the locals who do not drive on a daily basis actually forgetting. This has led to a new low speed limit of only 25 mph on the island as well as a spate of speed bumps and several new road signs reminding people of the changeover.

Vehicles in American Samoa however remain unchanged with their traffic still driving on the right hand side of the road.

Both valid overseas driving licences or international driving permits are accepted throughout the Samoan Islands.


The Republic of Samoa's capital city is Apia which is located on the north coast of Upolu Island. The city was built around a natural harbour on the mouth of the River Vaisigano and sheltered by the peak of Mount Vaea.

The city is characterised by it's colourful, wooden colonial buildings.

Other interesting attractions in Apia include the government offices, it's old courthouse and museum, a clock tower, several fine wooden churches, several market places and the campus of the National University of Samoa.

Mount Vaea is the site of the final resting place of author Robert Louis Stevenson who lived on Samoa for the last four years of his life, and whose former home, Vailima, is now a museum dedicated to his works.

Five minutes outside of Apia is the village of Lepea a site of a Samoan settlement of roundhouses and a tomb of a former High Chief of Samoa between 1901 - 1929, Tupua Tamasese Lealofi III.

Also just outside Apia is Vaiala Beach and the Palolo Deep Marine Reserve, a lagoon surrounded by walls of coral and containing several rare fish species.


American Samoa's capital city is Pago Pago where the island's natural deep sea harbour is located. The town consists of a few hotels, bars and restaurants, the Jean.P.Hayden Museum of Samoan Culture and a visitors bureau.

Just outside the capital is the island's highest peak Mount Alava and the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary which has become very popular with visiting scuba divers.



The National Park of American Samoa consists of nine thousand square acres of coral reefs and tropical rain forests distributed throughout the three islands of Tutuila, Ofu-Olosega and Tau.The park is the United States only national park located south of the equator and consists of several endemic flora, fauna and bird species and as many as nine hundred fish species.

Situated on American Samoa's most southerly land mass is the Rose Atoll Wildlife Refuge and Rose Atoll Marine National Monument. This unusual almost square shaped sand island is one of the world's smallest atolls and consists of twenty acres of land and 1,600 acres of lagoon which are surrounded by a coraline alagal reef. The refuge is now a prime nesting site for the rare Green Turtle and the Hawksbill Turtle.

In 2009 the then President of the USA, George.W. Bush, dedicated the waters around the atoll as a marine monument, which now extends for eighty nautical miles and covers over 21,647 kilometers.


American Samoa’s largest island is surrounded by steep, lush cliffs which are dotted with several coastal villages, pristine white beaches and stunning Pacific Ocean panoramas. The island’s great infrastructure makes the island an ideal place for self drive holidays where the main island of Tutuila is ripe for exploring and sightseeing.

There are also two eighteen hole golf resorts situated on Tutuila Island, the Ta'aiolo Lodge and Golf Resort and the Ili Ili Golf Club both of which are situated just outside the island's capital city of Pago Pago.


The Republic of Samoa's two main islands are separated by the thirteen kilometer wide Apolima Strait, which is home to the uninhabited Nu'ulopa Island and the inhabited Apolima Island and Manono Island. A ferry crossing from Salelologa Port on Savai'i Island and Apia Harbour on Upolu Island takes around sixty minutes.

The Republic has two national parks, two marine parks and several nature reserves and conservation areas.

The Republic of Samoa is renowned for it's stunning tropical rain forests, wooden colonial buildings, wild weather and active volcanoes.


The stunning Falefa Valley situated in the centre of the island of Upolu consists of an extensive tropical rain forest conservation area.

The Uafato Tiavea Conservation Zone situated at Fagaloa Bay is an area of prime ecological and cultural importance and is earmarked as a future UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Lake Lanuto National Park is a 1,050 hectare swamp forest.

O Le Pupu-Pui National Park is home to the impressive Togittogiga Falls and Samoa’s highest peak, Mount Fito, at 1,100 meters high.

The Piula Cave Pool, is a freshwater spring which begins life under an historic Methodist chapel which is accessed from the Piula Theological College.

Upolu island is also the site of three eighteen hole golf courses, the Faleata Country Club situated at Tuanaimatu, the Penina Golf Club situated at the Aggie Gray Beach Resort at Mulifanua and the Royal Samoan Golf Course which is located near the domestic airport at Fagali’i.


The Central Savai’i Rain Forest, which at 3,100 square kilometers is the world’s largest broad leaf forest eco-system. The forest is home to several rare and unusual bird and plant species.

The 6,944 hectare Mauga - O- Salafai National Park and the Lata and Felelima Nature Reserves are home to extensive areas of botanical importance.

The Saleaula Lava Fields are a fifty square kilometer area of solidified lava formed during the volcanic eruptions of nearby Mount Matavano in1905 and 1911.

Other active volcanoes situated on the island include Mata O Le Afi, Mauga Afi and Mauga Silisili.

The island is also renowned for it’s impressive Alofaaga Blowholes situated at Taga which was formed by sea water rushing through lava tubes, and the Mata O Le Alelo which is an underwater spring located at Matavai.


The Samoan Islands enjoy a mean annual temperature of around 26c which is accompanied by wet and dry seasons. Samoa's driest months are between July and August and it's wettest months are between December and March when the area is also plagued by violent cyclones and a humidity rate of 100%.

The islands lie in an area of high seismic activity which has seen several earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.

The area is also known for it's devastating cyclones which occur between November and April.


The Samoan Islands are relatively crime free although in recent years there has been an increase in alcohol and drug fuelled crime.

Locals believe in sharing which means if they see something they like the look of they may well take it, with full intentions of bringing it back, which may well upset people who are not used to this type of culture. Therefore do not leave valuable or important items lying about for others to take.

Homosexuality amongst men is widely accepted but is frowned upon between women therefore it is better if females in same sex relationships refrain from showing affection in public places.

As in all countries the possession of narcotics and child pornography is illegal as is driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The emergency number for the police in the Republic of Samoa is 995.

The emergency number for the police in American Samoa is 911


A vaccination program for Diptheria, Hepatitis A and Tetanus is advised before travel to the Samoan Islands.

The islands are Yellow Fever free and therefore require proof of yellow fever vaccination if travelling into Samoa from a country where yellow fever is prevalent.

One of the biggest problems in the Republic of Samoa are it's many street dogs which roam the streets in packs and have been known to bite people. Do not approach street dogs or try to befriend them as they are not treated as pets in Samoa so therefore do not understand friendship from humans.

The Samoan Islands have several hospitals, health clinics and dental surgeries. Whilst most can deal with basic medical problems the main problem with Samoan hospitals are their long queues leading to many visitors seeking medical help from private practitioners rather than the general hospitals. The Samoan Island's have three main hospitals, they are;


The American Samoa CBOC, Tafuna, Western, Tutuila Island, American Samoa. Tel - 699 3730.


Tapua Tamasese Meole Hospital, Motootua, Apia, Upolo, Republic of Samoa. Tel - 21212.

Malietoa Tanumafili II Hospital, Tuasivi, savai'i, Republic of Samoa. Tel - 53511.


Foreign nationals requiring consular services in American Samoa should contact their relevant embassy or consulate located in either the Republic of Samoa, Australia, New Zealand or Fiji.

The Republic of Samoa has four foreign consulates, all of which are located in Apia. Their telephone numbers are;

Australia - (685) 234 11.

China - (685) 224 74.

New Zealand - (685) 217 11.

United States - (685) 214 36.

Other foreign nationals who require consular help should contact their relevent embassy located in either Australia, Fiji or New Zealand.


Australian, British, Canadian, European Union, New Zealand and United States nationals do not require a visa to enter either the Republic of Samoa or American Samoa although proof of return or onward travel will need to be shown before entry is permitted. A visas for visits of up to sixty days will then be provided free of charge.

Do not attempt to take fresh fruit, drugs or pets into any of the Samoan Islands.

Do not attempt to leave the Republic of Samoa with large units of the Samoan Tala.

A departure tax of forty Samoan Tala is levied on everyone over the age of eleven years old when leaving the Republic of Samoa.



January 1- New Year's Day.

January 21 - Martin Luther King Day.

February 18 - President Day.

Good Friday.

Easter Monday

May 27 - Memorial Day

July 4 - Independence Day.

September 2 - Labor Day.

October 14 - Columbus Day.

November 11 - Veteran's Day.

Third Thursday in November - Thanksgiving

December 25 - Christmas Day.


January 1 - New Year's Day.

Good Friday

Easter Monday.

April 25 - Anzac Day.

May 12 - Mother's Day.

June 1 - Independence Day.

August 12 - Father's Day.

October 14 - Lotu-a -Tamaiti Day.

November 1 - Arbor Day.

December 25 - Christmas Day.

December 26 - Boxing Day.



To access the official tourism website of American Samoa, visit -

To access the website of American Samoa's national airline, visit -

To access the governmental website of American Samoa, visit -


To access the official tourism website of Samoa, visit -

To access the website of Samoa's national airline, visit -

access the governmental website of Samoa, visit -

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