Travel To Nauru


The Republic of Nauru is situated in the South Pacific region of Micronesia, three hundred kilometers from it's nearest neighbour the island of Kirimati.

At just 21 square kilometers and with a population of just over nine thousand people, Nauru is the world's smallest republic and has the world's second smallest population after the Vatican City.

The island is divided into fourteen districts, the largest of which is Yaren District, which has become the island's main district, owing to the island having no official capital city.

The island is a raised coral atoll which is completely surrounded by coral reefs, resulting in the island having no natural port or harbour.

Island fauna is sparse owing to previous phosphate mines situated there which have dramatically changed the island's landscape and caused the destruction of many of the island's natural habitats, leaving the island with few indigenous birds.

During the days of phosphate mining the island was very prosperous, so prosperous in fact that the republic became a tax haven for foreign nationals, but today the island is mainly reliant on foreign aid. However the island is attempting to tap into tourism, and does have a few little gems to tempt visitors.

The island is quiet and unspoilt by tourism with game fishing, snorkeling, scuba diving, bird watching and walking being the main past times on offer but there is little in the way of nightlife or shopping.

The island's largest commercial business is the Capelle & Partner Department Store. The island is also home to three churches, one Roman Catholic, one Congregational and one Protestant. Other notable institutions consist of the Nauru Parliament building, the Nauru Campus of the University of the South Pacific, the Nauru Philatelic Bureau, the National Tourism Office, the nine hole Nauru Golf Club and two hotels, the two hundred roomed Menen Hotel and the thirty six roomed od-n Aiwo Hotel.

The official language of Nauru is Nauruan, although English is also well spoken on the island.

The currency in Nauru is the Australian Dollar. Credit cards are not accepted anywhere on the island.

The predominant religion of Nauru is Christianity.

Internet and mobile phone connections on Nauru are good.

Nauru is located on time zone UTC +12.


The Island of Nauru is served by Yeran International Airport, which accepts flights from Brisbane in Australia, Majuro in the Marshall Islands, Nadi in Fiji and Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands.

The airport is unique for it's 2,150 meter long beach side runway. The airport is also the main airport hub of the Republic of Nauru's flag carrier airline Our Airline.

There is no public transport on Nauru but there are car and motorbike hire facilities. The island is served by one paved, ring road around the island and vehicles drive on the left hand side of the road.

An international driving permit is required before car hire is granted.


Yaren is one of Nauru's fourteen districts and not the island's capital city, although most of the island's main public buildings are situated there, including the airport, various Parliament buildings, the police station and the Court House.

Also situated in Yaren are the Moqua Caves a series of underground tunnels and the Moqua Well a small underground lake which covers an area of two thousand square meters.


Nauru has no rivers or fresh water lakes, but it does have an endhoreic lake, the Buada Lagoon, where the island's largest abundance of flora and fauna is situated.

The island's highest peak is Command Ridge at seventy one meters high, which has a collection of Japanese war relics situated on it's summit.

The island's only swimming beach is situated at the wrongly named Anibore Harbour, which isn't a harbour at all, it just doesn't have the amount of jagged coral that the rest of the island's coastline has. Despite the reefs however, the island does sport an array of tropical sandy beaches.

The island also has a host of former phosphate mines which can be explored, many of which have left some stunning limestone pinnacles dotted around the island.

The Menen Hotel, located on Anibare Bay, provides visitors with a public bar and a Chinese and Thai restaurant, there is also a gift shop, although there are several good artisan shops and stalls dotted around the island. There is also a large department store on the island just about everything.

The island's second and smallest hotel, the thirty six room od-n Aiwo Hotel is situated in Aiwo Province and provides two restaurants, a bar and a games room.


Nauru has a tropical climate with two distinct wet and dry seasons. Average temperatures on the island range from between 24c during February to November and 33c between November and February, which is also the island's wet season. Rain is monsoon like and generally includes a high humidity rate of around 80%.

Nauru is not troubled by volcanoes, earthquakes or cyclones, although the island does suffer from high winds and sea swells between November and April.


Crime is low on Nauru, as is the threat of terrorism. Drunkeness can sometimes be problematic amongst the young of Nauru, as is drink driving.

Nauru does not have a military, but does have a police force. The island does not have a prison, but it does have a courthouse. Incarcerations from Nauru are sent to Australia.

Nauru does not allow the use or possession of narcotics, which if found, are dealt with severely.

Homosexuality is technically illegal in Nauru, therefore same sex couples openly showing affection may be dealt with by the authorities if someone complains.

The emergency telephone number for the police on Nauru is 117 or 118.


It is advisable to undergo a vaccination program against Yellow Fever before travel to Nauru. The island is also prone to periodic outbreaks of Typhoid and Dengue Fever, so do check with your own Nauru Embassy to check of any recent outbreaks before you travel. Mosquitoes are also problematic, particularly during the wet season, so do take precautions if you are allergic to their bites.

Most of the food on Nauru is imported from Australia therefore there are no problems eating the local food, but do be vigilante when ordering fish, by ordering only sea fish and not reef fish.

Dog bites have been known to lead to medical problems, so do be vigilante when walking the streets where dogs are roaming free.

Nauru has two hospitals, both of which can handle basic medical needs. Serious medical cases are generally airlifted to Australia by way of an air ambulance service, which can be very expensive, so it is wise to take out good medical insurance and travel insurance policies before travelling.

Nauru General Hospital, Aiwo Province. Telephone - 444 3881.


Nauru has two foreign consulates. The phone numbers are;

The Australian Consulate - (+674) 557 3380

The Taiwan Embassy - (+674) 444 3162.

Other foreign nationals requiring consular help should contact their relevant embassy or consulate located in Fiji.


Visas are not required for stays of up to thirty days for most foreign nationals, although passports must be valid for a period of at least ninety days from the date of arrival and proof of hotel stay or private residential stay must be proven before entry is allowed.


January 1 - New Years Day.

January 31 - Independence Day.

Good Friday

Easter Monday

Easter Tuesday

May 17 - Constitution Day.

September 25 - National Youth Day.

October 26 - Angam Day.

December 25 - Christmas Day.


To access Nauru's official tourism website visit -

To access Nauru's Government website visit -

To access the Capelle & Partner website visit -

To access the Menen Hotel website visit -

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