Travel To Niue



Niue is a raised coral atoll situated 598 kilometers east of Tonga.

The island nation is a constitutional monarchy and self governing protectorate of New Zealand.

Niue covers just 269 square kilometers and has a population of 1,398 people, all of who earn a living from either farming, fishing, agriculture or tourism.

The island is characterised by it’s steep limestone coastal cliffs which host a myriad of caves and limestone chasms, all of which are surrounded by a coral reef. The island’s interior is a lush, afforested area dotted with taro farms and vanilla plantations.

The predominant religion on Niue is Christianity.

The official language of Niue is English although the national language is a Polynesian language called Vagahau Niue.

The currency of Niue is the New Zealand Dollar. There are no ATMs on Niue so make sure to take plenty of cash with you.

Niue is served by TV, radio and wi-fi internet, but the only mobile phone reception is in the capital Alofi.

Niue is situated on time zone UTC – 11.


Niue is served by the Hanan International Airport which accepts one flight a week from Auckland in New Zealand.

The island is also served by the Sir Robert's Wharf and Niue Yacht Club located in the capital Alofi.

The island is served by a good sixty four kilometer ring road and one hundred and seventy kilometers of small, rural roads linking with the interior.

There is no public transport on Niue although taxis and car, bicycle and motorbike hire is plentiful.

Traffic drives on the left in Niue and a local driving license is required before car hire can be made available.


Niue’s largest settlement, which is no more than a village really, is Alofi.

The village is served by the Sir Robert’s Wharf and Niue Yacht Club and harbour, a few cafes and restaurants, several hotels and nightclubs, an open air market, a business park, a few souvenir shops and small supermarkets and a tourist information office.

Just outside Alofi is the nine hole Niue Golf and Sports Club which provides a myriad of sporting facilities and a well equipped gym.


Despite it’s small size Niue has lots to see and do most of which are outdoor pursuits.

The islands stunning limestone cliffs shape the island’s coastline and provide some unusual cave structures and chasms all of which can be viewed by way of guided tours.

The island is also home to the 5,400 acre Havalu Forest Conservation Area, a community owned and run rain forest eco region which is home to several stunning examples of chestnut and banyan trees which host large colonies of coconut crabs, fruit bats and bird species.

Visitors to Niue can indulge in kayaking, fishing, diving, cycling, potholing also known as spelunking, guided walks and tours, hiking and several sporting activities.

The island is also served by some stunning secluded white sand beaches where visitors can find themselves the only inhabitants for miles around.

Fiafia, a traditional evening entertainment, can also be found in Alofi and some of the other larger villages.


Niue experiences all year round temperatures of between 27c and 30c.

The heat is tempered during the months of April through to November by southeasterly trade winds which also cause all year round precipitation.

The island also experiences cyclones between the months of December through to March.

Niue is also at risk of earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis.


Crime is relatively unheard of in Niue although the island does have an open prison situated near to the airport.

Visitors to the island have nothing to fear from locals although, due to religious beliefs, drunken behaviour and homosexuality is frowned upon, but is not illegal.

The telephone number for Niue’s police station is 4333 and the emergency number for the police is 999.


There are no vaccination programs needed in order to visit Niue.

The island has no serious natural risks from animals or insects although mosquitoes can be problematic, so if you are affected by mosquito bites please take mosquito repellent with you.

There is a hospital located on the island, but it is unable to deal with serious medical complaints, which are generally airlifted to New Zealand, therefore a good medical travel insurance is advised.

Niue Foou Hospital, Kaimiti, Alofi. Tel - (683) 4100.


There are no foreign consulates located on Niue. Visitors requiring consular help should contact their relavent embassy or consulate located in New Zealand.

You can find a list of consulates located in New Zealand by visiting this link -


Australian, British, Canadian, European Union and U.S residents do not need visias to enter Niue for stays of up to thirty days.

Other foreign nationals should apply for a visitor’s visa by contacting Niue Immigration at PO Box 69, Alofi, Niue or by ringing (683) 4349.

All visitors will need a valid passport and to show proof of return or onward travel. There is also a departure tax levied on all visitors when leaving the island.


January 1 – New Year’s Day.

January 2 – Takai Commission Day.

February 6 – Waitangi Day.

Good Friday.

Easter Monday.

April 25 – Anzac Day.

June 3 - Queen’s Birthday – (Elisabeth II)

October 19 + 20 – Constitution Days.

October 28 – Peniamina Day.

December 25 – Christmas Day.

December 26 – Boxing Day.


To access the official Niue tourism website, visit -

To access the Niue Yacht Club website, visit -

To access the government website of Niue, visit -

Learn to speak Vagahau Niue at -

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Image - The coastline of Niue, - Courtesy of msdstefan, wikimedia commons.