Travel To Kiribati



The Republic of Kiribati consists of three island groups of thirty two atolls and one raised coral island which between them cover 811 square kilometers of land distributed across 3.5 million square kilometers of ocean. The island groups of Kiribati are the Gilbert Islands a group of sixteen Micronesian islands, eight of which are located in the north Pacific and eight located in the south Pacific, the Phoenix Islands a group of eight atolls in the south Pacific of which only one is inhabited and which make up the largest marine park in the world, and the Line Islands a chain of eleven atolls which straddle the equator for 2,350 kilometers, making this island chain the longest in the world.

Kiribati is one of the world’s poorest and least developed countries with limited capacity for adaptation due to having few natural resources or major industries. The islands have a population of just over one hundred thousand people who rely heavilly on overseas aid programs.

Despite the poverty in Kiribati people visiting the islands will find great scope for exploring and indulging in adventure holidays owing to the island’s natural beauty and war history.

The capital city of Kiribati is South Tarawa located on Tarawa Atoll in the Gilbert Islands, which is actually located in the north Pacific.

The predominant religion of Kiribati is Christianity.

The official languages of Kiribati are English and Gilbertese.

The currency of Kiribati is the Australian Dollar.

ATM machines as well as mobile and internet services may not be available countrywide.

Kiribati is located on time zones UTC +12 and UTC +14.


The islands of Kiribati are served by two airports, both situated in the north Pacific. Bonriki International Airport is located on Tarawa Atoll and accepts international flights from Nadi in Fiji, Brisbane in Australia and Yaren in Nauru.

Cassidy International Airport is located on the island of Kirimati, also known as Christmas Island, which accepts international flights from Honalulu in Hawaii and Nadi in Fiji.

All the islands are serviced by ferries and private canoe services which act as water taxis.

Bus services are reliable and are simply flagged down in the street as needed.

Car hire is plentiful but must be pre-booked at least two weeks before arrival. Do check that insurance is included. Your own national driving license will be enough to secure car hire.

Please watch out for speed bumps in the capital city of South Tarawa and keep some cash on you for causeway toll fees.

Traffic in Kiribati drives on the left hand side of the road.


The capital of Kiribati is South Tarawa a city of 50, 000 people situated on Tarawa Atoll in the north Pacific, which consists of twenty four small islets linked by a network of causeways.

There is not that much to see or do in South Tarawa although the main atoll and it’s causeways are worth exploring. The city consists of the government buildings, some of which have been built by way of some impressive modern architecture, a football stadium, a Roman Catholic church and a Protestant church.

The islet of Bonriki is where the country’s Bonriki International Airport is situated, the islet is linked by way of a toll road.

Beito Islet is the site of the country’s main port known as the Port of Beito.

The islet of Beito was the site of the fierce World War Two, Battle of Tarawa, between allied troops and the Japanese which has left the islet strewn with remnants such as coastal defense guns, pillboxes, bunkers, the rusting hulks of tanks and several offshore plane and ship wrecks.


Activities on the islands of Kiribati include bird watching, fishing, diving, surfing and taking tours around the island's various World War Two battle sites.

There are various types of visitor accommodation available in Kiribati, including modern hotels, traditional village dwellings, home stays and private island rentals.


The Gilbert Islands are a group of sixteen atolls, eight of which are situated in the north Pacific and eight located in the south Pacific, all of which are inhabited. The islands are home to Tarawa Atoll, which is the site of the country’s capital city, South Tarawa

The island group is the most easterly located of Kitibati’s islands and are situated on time zone UTC +12.


The Line Islands are a group of eleven atolls, three of which are inhabited, which straddle the equator for 2,350 kilometers making them the longest chain of islands in the world. The Line islands’ Kirimati island is the location of the country’s Cassidy International Airport.

The Line Islands are the most westerly located of Kiribati’s islands and are located on time zone UTC +14.


The Phoenix islands are a group of eight islets situated in the south Pacific all of which are uninhabited except Kanton Island which has a small population of under fifty people.

The island group is home to a vast area of coral reefs, lagoons, 120 species of coral, 500 species of fish and an array of visiting sea birds, all of which have been untouched by man. The 410,500 square kilometer area was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2010. Known as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area, (PIPA) the islands form the largest protected marine area in the world.

Few people visit these islands, and to be quite honest owing to the area’s unique flora, fauna and wildlife which has managed to remain undisturbed by man throughout it’s entire history, the Kiribati government would like it to stay that way and I think most of us would agree.


Year round temperatures of between 20c and 30c can be found on most of the islands of Kiribati owing to their close proximity to the equator.

The country experiences a wet season between November and April on it’s southern islands and between June and Novermber on it’s northern islands.

Kiribati also experiences a high level of humidity although trade winds during the months of March to October can alleviate the heat, but these also cause giant sea swells.

Droughts can sometimes prove problematic during the country’s dry season. During times of drought water restrictions will be put into place.

There is no threat of cyclones, earthquakes or tsunamis on any of the islands of Kiribati.


Despite the poverty in Kiribati the crime rate is surprisingly low but visitors are still asked to be cautious, particularly in the capital city and especially at night.

The threat of terrorism in Kiribati is virtually non existent.

Homosexuality is illegal in Kiribati and can incur long prison sentences, therefore it is advisable if same sex couples do not show affection when in public places.

Firearms, ammunition, explosives and indecent publications are prohibited imports. Strict quarantine laws govern the import of plants, fruit, seeds, cuttings, vegetables, soil, animals and animal products.

The emergency number for the police in Kiribati is 999.


Visitors are advised not to drink the water nor to take ice in their drinks.Visitors are also asked not to eat shellfish or reef fish.

Hepatitis is prevalent and cases of dengue fever and tuberculosis can occur in Kiribati, so it is wise to take precautions before travelling.

A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from travellers coming into the country from infected areas.

Visitors who take regular medication must remember to take them when travelling to Kiribati as replacements may not be available.

There are clinics and hospitals located on most of Kiribat’s islands, although their services are basic, but most will provide dental facilities and pharmacies.

Medical emergencies are airlifted to Australia or New Zealand, so it is wise to purchase a good medical travel insurance before travelling.

The Tungaru Central Hospital


South Tarawa.

Tel - 28100


There are four foreign consulates located in Bairiki on Tarawa Atoll.Their phone numbers are;

Australian High Commission – (686) 21184.

Cuban Embassy – (686) 22771.

New Zealand Embassy – (686) 21400.

Taiwanese Embassy – (686) 22557 / 8.

Other foreign nationals requiring consular help must contact their relevant embassy or consulate in Fiji.


All visitors to Kiribati must be in possession of a valid passport, an onward travel ticket and have proof of sufficient funds to support themselves whilst staying in the country.

Visas are required for stays of twenty eight days or more for nationals from most foreign countries.

A fee of forty Australian Dollars is charged upon arrival into the country.


January 1 – New Year’s Day.

Good Friday.

Easter Monday.

April 19 – National Health Day.

July 12 – Independence Day.

July 15 – Unimane Day.

August 5 – Youth Day.

December 9 – Human Rights & Peace Day.

December 25 – Christmas Day.

December 26 – Boxing Day.


To access the official tourism website of Kiribati visit -

To access the national airline website of Kiribati visit -

To access the Kiribati government website visit -

Read all about the Phoenix Islands at -

Take a look at Kiribati's government owned Otinaai Hotel -

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Image - Manra Lagoon, Phoenix Islands