Travel To New Caledonia



New Caledonia is a self governing French overseas territory located in the Coral Sea. The island territory consists of the main island of Grande Terre, the Loyalty Islands, a group of coral sand cays known as the Chesterfield Islands, the Belep Archipelago and the Isle of Pines.

At 18,575 square kilometers New Caledonia's main island of Grande Terre is the fifth largest island in the South Pacific and is renowned for it's diverse landscape and unique flora, fauna and bird life.

The northern half of the island is characterised by densely forested mountains, lush vegetation, a vast network of rivers, waterfalls and caves and several coconut groves and coffee plantations.

The southern half of the island is drier, hotter and more rugged and is characterised by rugged hills and caves that have been further sculpted by acres of nickel mines, where one quarter of the world's nickel resources can be found.

It is here in the south of the island where the territory's capital city Noumea is located, a city which has earned it'self the title of the South Pacific's most industrialised city.

The predominant language of New Caledonia is French along with several local Kanek (Melanesian) languages. English may be spoken in some urban areas although it is rarely used in rural areas.

The predominant religion of New Caledonia is Catholicism.

The currency of New Caledonia is the CFP Franc.

New Caledonia is located on time zone UTC +11.


New Caledonia is served by twenty five airports, twelve of which are paved. The main domestic airport is Noumea Magenta Airport which serves the entire New Caledonia island group and the main international airport is Tontouta International Airport which accepts flights from Paris in France, Tokyo and Osaka in Japan, Auckland in New Zealand, Brisbane and Sydney in Australia, Seoul in South Korea, St Denis in Reunion and several South Pacific islands including Tahiti and Fiji.

There are also six heliports located within the territory.

New Caledonia is also served by three large cargo and passenger ports the largest of which is the Noumea Gare Maritime. There are several inter-island ferry services for transportation from Grand Terre to the Loyalty lslands and the Isle of Pines.

New Caledonia has 5,622 kilometers of roadway although just 975 kilometers are paved. Car hire is plentiful within the territory where there are several internationally known car hire companies located. Vehicles drive on the right hand side of the road and driving licences from your own country are accepted.

New Caledonia is also served by an island wide bus service which is both cheap and reliable.


Noumea is a vibrant and prosperous cathedral city which is charecterised by a mix of Melanesian, Colonial and modern architecture. The overall look of the city is definitely French, mixed with suble hints of it’s Melanesian roots and it’s modern prosperity.

Noumea is situated on a hilly peninsula overlooking the Coral Sea which is flanked by the Gare Maritime, the yacht marina of Port Plaisir, the stunning L’orphelinat Bay and Baie des Citrons, a myriad of wide avenues and promenades and a busy waterfront market.

The city is served by several high class shops, restaurants and hotels and a multitude of Melanesian and Colonial cultural venues. The city is also home to several green spaces, a zoo, an aquarium and a bustling Chinatown.

Also situated in Noumea are the island's three eighteen hole golf courses, the Tina Golf Club, the Dumbea Golf Club and the Ouenghi Golf Club situated at Boulouparis.

The city is served by both a domestic and international airport, an excellent bus network and the not to be missed, Petit Train, which takes visitors around the city’s coastline via it's many promenades and local beaches.


New Caledonia’s diverse landscape of deep river valleys, steep mountains, bushland, lush rainforests and dramatic coastlines coupled with it’s rare and unique flora, fauna and wildlife all of which is surrounded by the world's second largest barrier reef, all go to make this island one of the best kept secrets of the South Pacific.

The entire island is also dotted with small villages sporting unique Melanesian architecture which stands alongside some beautiful colonial churches.

Grande Terre's two highest peaks are the 1,628 meter high Mont Parie in the north of the island and the 1,618 meter high Mont Humbolt in the southeast of the island.

New Caledonia has a thriving tourism industry with several hotels and resorts and a multitude of land and sea excursions, sporting activities, water sports and cultural venues.


Th New Caledonia Barrier Reef is the world’s second largest double barrier coral reef covering an area of 24,000 square kilometers. The reef, which consists of almost transparent water, surrounds both New Caledonia’s main island of Grande Terre, the Loyalty Islands and the beautiful Isle of Pines.


The Isle of Pines, named after the island’s unique sixty meter high endemic conifers the Coral Reef Araucaria, is situated one hundred kilometers southeast of Grande Terre. This paradise island, which is surrounded by deep blue lagoons and white sandy beaches, is rich in unique animal and plant species which can not be found anywhere else in the world.


The Loyalty Islands consist of six inhabited islands and several uninhabited small islets which between them cover an area of 1,981 square kilometers.

The island group is situated 100 kilometers off the east coast of Grand Terre and are the site of the New Caledonia Rain Forest Eco-System, a 14,600 square kilometer area of broad leaf rain forest which is host to an abundance of rare and unique flora, fauna and wildlife.

The islands are surrounded by pristine white sand beaches and crystal clear waters making them a haven for scuba divers.

The island group's largest island Lifou covers an area of 1,146 square kilometers making it the world's largest raised coral atoll.

Lifou's main settlement is the small town of We which is served by the Marina de We, an open market, two churches, several shops and a few restaurants.

Each of the Loyalty Islands are served by a small airstrip, all of which receive regular flights from Wanaham Airport situated on the island of Lifou.


New Caledonia has a hot and dry climate which is tempered by trade winds with an all year round mean temperature of between 20c and 30c and a humidity rate of 80%.

The northern half of the island experiences the most rainfall and the southern half of the island experiences the most hours of sun light.

New Caledonia is at risk of cyclones during the months of November through to March.

New Caledonia has been the site of several earthquake tremors and subsequent tsunamis. The two uninhabited, offshore islands of Mathew Island and Hunter Island are the site of New Caledonia's only active volcanoes.


The crime rate in New Caledonia is low as is the threat of terrorism although the usual precautions against theft and sexual assault should be adhered to.

Drunken brawls at night have been known to be a problem in Noumea as is drink driving amongst local youths.

As is in all countries the possession of narcotics or child pornography is illegal along with drink driving.

The emergency telephone for the police in New Caledonia in 17.

As New Caledonia is very religious it is asked of visitors to dress conservatively at all times in order not to offend locals.

Outside the large towns please ask permission before taking photographs particularly of women, children or sacred sites.

Homosexuality is legal in New Caledonia with same sex couples free to lead open relationships.


New Caledonia is served by several excellent health clinics, hospitals and dentists. Vaccination programs are not needed before visiting the islands although the area has been known to suffer from sporadic bouts of Dengue Fever. Please check before travelling if the area is experiencing one of these episodes.

New Caledonia is Yellow Fever free and therefore requires proof of yellow fever vaccination if travelling into the country from an area where yellow fever is prevalent.

Clinique Baie Des Citrons, 5, Rue Fernand Legras, BP 376.

Clinique Magnin, 1, Rue de RP Roman, BP 64.

Gaston Bourret Hospital, 7, Avenue Paul Boumer.


There are four foreign consulates situated in Noumea, their phone numbers are;

Australian Consulate – (687) 272 414.

German Consulate – (687) 261 681.

New Zealand Consulate – (687) 272 543.

Vanuatu Consulate – (687) 277 621.

Other foreign nationals requiring help must contact their relevant consulate or embassy located in either Auckland in New Zealand or Sydney in Australia.


Visas are not required for Australian, New Zealand or EEC nationals for stays of three months or less. However, passports must be valid for a period of at least six months from the date of arrival.

A departure tax of 1,440 CFP Francs is payable upon departure from New Caledonia.


January 1 – New Year’s Day.

Easter Monday.

May 1 – Labour Day.

May 9 – Ascension Day.

Whit Monday

July 14 - Bastille Day.

August 15 – Assumption Day.

September 24 – French Treaty Day.

November 1 – All Saints Day.

November 11 – Armistice Day.

December 25 – Christmas Day.

December 31 – New Year’s Eve.


To access the New Caledonia official tourism website, visit -

To access the New Caledonia governmental website, visit -

To access the New Caledonia national airline website, visit -

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