
The focus of the Missions and Outreach at South Congregational Church is to reach beyond the walls of the church locally and globally. We respond to Christ's call to "care for my people" by linking gifts of money, time, and talents to the needs for God's world. 

We strive to balance the local and global mission support placing emphasis on organizations with active church member involvement. 

Volunteerism is a source of our strength and, as such, we encourage hands-on participation by all members of the congregation so they can experience the joy of helping others in need.

Through weekly pledging, we support a variety of organizations and special projects, and collections during the year are made to aid local and regional homeless shelters. 

Missions Committee Food Drive 

June through July

The Summer project is for the Holbrook Food Pantry. This pantry serves both Holbrook and Avon residents who qualify. They pass out pre-bagged groceries on the second Saturday of each month. The following Monday, qualified seniors can go and “shop” for their groceries. They hope to offer this service to seniors and disabled more often.

We are helping them by donating items on their

Senior Wishlist items include:

Small cans of baked beans

Small cans of vegetables

Cans of fruit 

Mac & cheese

Spaghetti sauce / pasta

Rice pilaf

Jelly / peanut butter


Toilet paper 

Dishwashing liquid

Any other non perishable item is always appreciated.

Please take the above list when grocery shopping as a reminder to pick up an item or two. There will be a table set up in Fellowship Hall for donations.
