SMT Improvisation 3rd Annual Meeting, Charlotte, November 2013

SMT Improvisation

3rd Annual Meeting @ Charlotte 2013

Saturday 2 November, 12:00-2:00 p.m.


I. call to order

A. welcome

B. in attendance: Danny Arthurs, Mark Butler, Bryan Christian, Kevin Davis, David Dominique, Massimiliano Guido, Aaron Harcus, Darren LaCour, Jonathan Lord, James McGowan, Garrett Michaelsen, Alexander Morgan, Melissa Murphy, Mike Rogers, Nancy Rogers, Peter Schubert, Paul Steinbeck, Chris Stover, Victoria Tzotzkova, Matthew Valnes

II. reports on last year’s activities

A. AMS/SEM/SMT 2012 @ New Orleans

1. held joint business meeting with SEM Improvisation

2. sponsored interdisciplinary special session on improvisation studies

a. six panelists from AMS, SEM, and SMT

b. respondent: George E. Lewis

c. proceedings published in Music Theory Online (June 2013 issue)

B. ICASP Summit on Improvisation Pedagogy and Community Impact @ Guelph

1. SMT Improvisation members invited by Mark Laver, chair of SEM Improvisation

2. presentations by Vincent Benitez, Massimiliano Guido, Paul Steinbeck, and Chris Stover

3. proceedings to be published in forthcoming edited volume: Jamming the Classroom

III. open discussion on research

A. members’ current projects and recent publications

B. opportunities for collaboration

IV. next year’s activities

A. business meeting for SMT 2014 @ Milwaukee

1. two (or more) topical presentations to be given by members of SMT Improvisation

2. presentations may involve works-in-progress or completed projects

B. special session for SMT 2014 @ Milwaukee

1. organized by Paul Steinbeck and Chris Stover

2. topic: extensions/limits of interaction-based methods for analyzing improvisation

3. abstracts to be solicited from members of SMT Improvisation and SMT Jazz

C. Mente/Mani project

1. organized by Max Guido, Peter Schubert, et al.

2. November 2013 conference @ Venice

3. May 2014 workshops @ Montreal

4. subsequent phases

D. other conferences

1. CFPs posted on the SMT Improvisation website

2. Perspectives on Musical Improvisation 2014 @ Oxford

3. Analytical Approaches to World Music 2014 @ London

4. International Society for Improvised Music 2014 @ New York

V. election of officers

A. chair

1. Paul Steinbeck, Washington University in St. Louis (2013-14)

2. vice-chair for 2013-14 will have the opportunity to become chair in 2014-15

3. beginning in 2014-15, chairs will be encouraged to serve two-year terms

B. vice-chair

1. Chris Stover, New School University (2013-14)

2. new vice-chair to be elected during SMT 2014 @ Milwaukee

3. vice-chair in office during 2015-16 will have the opportunity to become chair in 2016-7

C. webmaster

1. Celia Stevens, University of Minnesota (2013-14)

2. election to be held in future years if necessary

D. communications officer: office eliminated

VI. adjournment