SEM Improvisation & SMT Improvisation Joint Meeting Agenda

Post date: Oct 30, 2012 4:39:42 PM

SEM Improvisation & SMT Improvisation

Joint Meeting @ New Orleans 2012

Saturday 3 November // 12:30-1:30 p.m. // Astor Crowne Plaza: Astor Ballroom I


I. call to order

II. surveys of recent research

A. Chris Stover on the philosophy of improvisation

B. Mark Laver on improvisation and social practice

III. reports on last year’s activities

A. SEM Improvisation

1. sponsored paper session + workshop + concert performance at SEM 2011 in Philadelphia

2. sponsored panel at SEM chapter meeting in Niagara

3. collaborated on special session at AMS/SEM/SMT 2012 in New Orleans

4. sponsored two sessions + workshop at AMS/SEM/SMT 2012 in New Orleans

5. expanded discussion group and revamped website

B. SMT Improvisation

1. debuted at SMT 2011 in Minneapolis

2. collaborated on special session for AMS/SEM/SMT 2012

3. built discussion group + website

IV. proposals for next year’s activities

A. special sessions for SMT 2013 in Charlotte

1. using improvisation to teach music theory, organized by Vincent Benitez

2. ___

B. special sessions for SEM 2013 in Indianapolis

1. analyzing free improvisation, organized by T.B.D. (in partnership with SMT Jazz?)

2. ___

C. other conferences

1. “Mente/Mani,” October 2013 in Venice, organized by Massimiliano Guido

2. International Society for Improvised Music 2013, date/location T.B.D.

3. Society for American Music 2014 in Lancaster PA

D. publication opportunities

1. Music Theory Online

2. Critical Studies in Improvisation

V. (re-)election of officers

A. SEM Improvisation

B. SMT Improvisation

VI. adjournment