

  • Read
  • To read an eBook you need special readers (=eBook reader), on computers or mobile devices, as smartphones and tablets, you need special programs (=apps) . Which one you need depends on the eBook Store, you are using to download an eBook.
  • Create
    • In general you can create your own eBooks with a word processing program. You can use special programs (=apps) to combine eBooks for the reader used and there are other ways to the same purpose.
  • Publish
    • You can publish eBooks in two ways: through a publishing house or publishing directly in an eBook-Store like Amazon or Apple.
  • Examples
    • Here you can find a collection of eBooks in german language, which we have created in conjunction with workshops conducted by SLO. These can be downloaded for testing.


  • As participants in this workshop please solve the tasks and set up a weblog about these tasks (for example at wordpress)