2022 Rates
Here are your rates:
Minimum 12-month lease required. At the conclusion of the 12 months, the lease converts to a month-to-month agreement.
Costs Required Prior to Move-in: SECURITY DEPOSIT PLUS FIRS T AND LAST MONTH'S RENT. $1000 security deposit + $5800 for first and last months of rent ($3200 + $2600). Total = $1000 + $5800 = $6800.
Rent Payment Schedule:
If a partial month is included at the start of the 12-month lease, the rate for the partial month is $3200 * (number of days / 30) and is due on the tenant's move-in day.
On the 1st day of the first full month of the lease, no payment is due as it was pre-paid ($3200).
$3000 due no later than the 1st of Month #2.
$2800 due no later than the 1st of Month #3,
$2600 due no later than the 1st of Month #4, and for subsequent months in the 12 month lease.
On the 1st day of the last month of the lease, no payment is due as it was pre-paid ($2600).
A $20 late fee will be assessed for rent payments received after the 3rd of the month. In the case of a partial month's payment due at the beginning of a lease, the $20 late fee will be assessed if the partial month's rent is not paid on the move-in day (no grace period).
If planning to leave prior to the conclusion of your 12-month lease, you must provide notice in writing via e-mail to sfvacationhut@gmail.com We encourage you to give as much advance notice as possible. Example, if you plan to leave after 5 months, and you figure that out in the 2nd month, please let us know. This helps us plan our schedule.
Note that the rent amounts for the 30 days immediately following the date of the departure notice will NOT be refunded Therefore, if you inform us more than 30 days prior to your departure, you won't be paying rent for any days you didn't use.
The tenant is eligible for a refund of rent overpayment if they have prepaid for days beyond 30 days after their notice and beyond their day of departure. As an example, if you inform us of your departure, set to occur 45 days from today, but you've already pre-paid 50 days in the future, you are eligible for a refund of rent overpayment. In this example, that would be $2600 * (5 days rent overpayment / 30). Any rent overpayment will be refunded within 21 days after move-out, along with the security deposit.
The $1000 security deposit is fully refundable within 21 days after move-out, minus any damages to apartment or furnishings beyond normal wear and tear.
This is for a fully furnished studio apartment with all utilities paid including internet (no cable TV), access to washer and dryer and landscaped backyard. The rent includes maid service every 4 weeks to clean/sanitize bathroom, dust / wipe down / vacuum any surfaces that are clear and ready to be cleaned, and sweep / mop floors.