OB Senior Rotation First Hill 2016-17

Ob Senior Rotation First Hill 2016-2017

OB Senior Role 2016

Faculty Administrator:

Joe Breuner, MD, First Hill

Pat Gemperline, MD, Cherry Hill

OB Chief Residents: (page or email the group with any questions)

- First Hill

- Cherry Hill

R2s from both Cherry Hill (after Block 1) and First Hill will be present for teaching and direct critical skills observation of each R1 during their first two shifts.

This rotation is a required experience for First Hill R2s and will be the first two weeks of every block all year long. The second two weeks will be outpatient surgery.

Goal: Provide labor deck support and supervision to new R1s as they begin their obstetrics experience. Develop R2 teaching and supervisory skill. Teach critical skills to R1s through direct, hands-on teaching and one-on-one observation.


1.) Demonstrate competency in supporting and training R1s in admitting and managing labor deck responsibilities.

2.) Successfully teach assigned topic and test R1 for competency in assigned area. This can be done during the direct observation shifts or on the teaching half days.

3.) Ensure that every intern is aware they can call/page a senior resident day or night from the Red of Green team with questions if they arise during their shift. The OB chiefs and FMS seniors are happy to help.

4) Cover Green Team OB deliveries while on L+D shifts.

5) Cover Group Health Purple team deliveries while on Group Health call days. (see separate Purple team document). this rotation is active for the first two weeks of every block, so i expect that blocks 7-13 will have the most Purple team shifts.

6) Supervise R1s in getting postpartum moms seen (and newborns for Country Doctor/ICHS).

Duties and Timing:

1. Buddy shifts with the new R1s. These 10 shifts will be divided between the First Hill OB senior and the Cherry Hill MCH resident.

2. Mon.-Fri. 7:00am - 3:00pm [when not in clinic/ultrasound]

3. Goal of two clinic half days per week, though this may not be possible during the first week when the bulk of the buddy shifts occur.

During remaining L+D teaching shifts, direct R1 on call to most productive experiences. Work doing triage evaluations and labor management so that interns don't miss deliveries. Do teaching panel and green team deliveries and supervise the R1 doing these deliveries. It is expected that we will double count these, it's part of our teaching culture.

When labor and delivery is slow, please help interns get their OB competencies completed.

Also please teach informally on topics that come up during antepartum rounds, goal will be to help R1 comprehension of antepartum care topics.

Day 1 of Every Block with New Interns:

If you are the OB R2 on as Day Buddy during the first day of the block, please ensure the following with the whole group of new interns (this can be brief since it should be reviewed during the first two shifts as well):

- Review of EPIC for OB: "dot" phrase (make sure everyone has them and knows which ones to use), doc flowsheet (basic where information is located, pit dose, last cervical exam, etc), and order sets.

- Orientation to Triage: how triage works, including where supplies are, run through of how common complaints are addressed in triage), and direct them to OB Triage cheat sheet on the website

- Discuss time management: what should happen first, how quickly to see patient/return pages, priority of activities, etc.

- Postpartum care and Antepartum expectations.

*** All R1s not in clinic and on their first block of OB would be expected to attend. They won't have any antepartum patients to see, so this can be done before perinatology rounds or after.

*** If you are not able to do this on day one, please coordinate with the OB R1s to ensure that it happens within the first 3 days of the block.

Teaching Topics to be covered during direct observation days (Day/Night Buddy):

1. NSVD/IUPC/FSE/AROM- skills that at best should be observed for competency but can be performed on models during the second exclusive teaching day.

2. Knots/Tools/Episiotomy repair- direct observation or on the model

3. FHR tracing interpretation- ensure that R1s complete gnosis training. Liz Stahl has log on info.

4. U/S review/PROM evaluation- direct observation or during the review teaching day.

Basic Orientation:

Topics that should be covered to orient new R1s to L&D, triage, and the OB R1 role:

  • Introduction to nursing desk and the white board, putting your name on the board, meeting charge nurse, secretary, etc.

  • Tour of L&D and triage – orient R1 to an empty delivery room and triage room

    • Delivery room: sterile gloves, extra gowns, booties, what is on the delivery tray/table, how to place blue drape/bag appropriately during delivery, how to clean up after delivery, where red and white trash cans are, etc.

    • Triage room: light, stool, US, sterile spec supplies, how to break down a bed, microscope

  • Show where and how to update sign-out sheet on computer on 5SW and L&D tracker

  • Orient to morning rounds/postpartum rounds/antepartum rounds how the day flows

  • Make sure residents have the appropriate dot phrases and order sets

  • Review note writing

  • Review order entry


All interns will be given a competencies card that they are responsible for getting signed as the competencies are completed. Once all of the competencies have been achieved, the intern will then give their competency cards to Joe Breuner or Pat Gemperline.


Supervising R2s can and should be present for all vaginal deliveries. This will be discussed with the attendings but given this is the first year, please be patient with nurses and attendings as you explain your supervising role. R2s can count deliveries in New Innovations by marking them as performed or supervised. Only one person can mark each delivery as being in the supervising role. It's OK for two residents to report performing the delivery.

Other Teaching Requirements:

R1s, OB Fellows, Pat and Joe (Wednesdays only) will continue to do teaching from 7:30-8am.

- Please help ensure that everyone knows to sign up for the teaching topics when you are on as the Teaching person.

Teaching schedule 7:30 every morning 5SW Conf Room:

Mondays OB fellow

Tuesdays OB Senior First Hill

Wednesdays Pat and Joe

Thursdays Conferences

Fridays OB R1s.

Sign up for topics on calendar. Topics are assigned by the day.

R1 OB Competencies

­­__R2 Initials__

Cervical Exams: _____________

NSVD: _____________

FSE: _____________

IUPC: _____________

Surgical Knots: _____________­­­­­_

Lac/Episiotomy Repair: ________

FHT Interpretation/passed Gnosis module: ___________

US Review (AFI, cephalic presentation): ______________

PROM Management: ­­__________

OB R1 Competency Task List:

For each task, R1 will state 3 indications, 1 contraindication, demonstrate competence, and model narrating procedure to patient while performing. Ok to repeat task until competence demonstrated.

Competent Not Competent

Cervix Check

Indications (fetal distress, rupture _________ _________

Of membranes, urge to push,

Bleeding with US=no previa)

Contraindications: known placenta __________ __________

previa, vasa previa, unknown placental


Demonstrates (competent within 30% __________ __________

Effacement and 2 cm of dil)

Narrates to patient _________ _________

Fetal scalp electrode placement (can use BSQ form also in teaching folder)

Indications (poor quality external _________ _________

tracing, concerning category

II strip, prolonged deceleration)

Contraindications: active herpes lesions, ________ _________

High viral load HIV or hepatitis,

Non-vertex presentation, placenta

Previa or vasa previa

Demonstrates _______ __________

Narrates to Patient _______ __________

Intrauterine Pressure Catheter placement

Indications (pitocin augmentation, ______ ______

Poor labor progress or arrest,

amnio-Infusion, Trial of labor

after Cesarean (TOLAC)

Contraindications uterine bleeding _______ ________

Undetermined origin,

Chorioamnionitis a relative CI

Demonstrates _______ ______

Narrative to patient _______ _______


Indications: necessity for fetal monitoring --------- -----------

when membrane intact, question mec, speeding up

slowed labor.

Contraindications: palpable cord, unstable lie, --------- ----------

Presentation unknown, not fully engaged

EPISIOTOMY REPAIR: Score sheet to use for practice with OB R1

**Also review the procedures consult on the First Hill curriculum page to watch videos of episiotomy repairs!!

1 Evaluation of injury

A. Does the examinee perform a rectal examination? Yes No

B. Does the examinee appropriately identify the degree of injury? Yes No

2. Anesthesia considerations

A. The examinee determines the degree of patient anesthesia by testing Yes No

The examinee should then be prompted by the examiner that the patient does not have adequate


B. The examinee infiltrates the perineum in an appropriate fashion with appropriate

3. Choice of suture material

A. Chooses delayed absorbable suture over permanent suture Yes No

B. Chooses caliber of suture material between 3-0 and 0 Yes No

4. Reapproximates appropriate anatomic landmarks

A. Anal sphincter ends identified and reapproximated Yes No N/A

B. Suture placement at or beyond apex of defect Yes No

C. Hymenal ring reapproximated Yes No

D. Restoration of perineal body Yes No

E. Reapproximation of skin Yes No

5. Exposure

A. Able to expose defect for repair Yes No

B. If “No” in A, utilizes instruments or assistant as necessary to expose Yes No

6. Self evaluation of repair

A. Performs rectal exam after repair Yes No

B. Removes sponge from vagina Yes No

Total Time (<15 Minutes) Yes No Actual Time: _________

PROM: See workup in Gumby Guide.

- Sterile Spec > look for pooling, nitrazine, swab for ferning

- Get GC/CT swab and wet mount during spec exam

- GBS if not already done

- NO digital exam until talking to attending

- NST, AFI with ultrasound if unsure.

anesthetic agents Yes No