Maximum Weights
Max Ramp 29,300 lbs
Max Takeoff 29,000 lbs
Max Landing 28,500 lbs
Max Zero Fuel 26,500 lbs
Maximum Airspeeds
Vmo 250kts (up to 16,000ft MSL)
Vmo 210kts (@ FL250)
Vleo 200kts
Vle 200kts
Vlor 150kts
Vra 190kts (up to FL210)
Vra Vmo minus 30 KIAS
Va 180kts
Vfe 175kts (7 or 15 degrees)
Vfe 165kts (20 degrees)
Vfe 140kts (35 degrees)
Vmcl 103 (Flaps 20 or 35, B+ model)
Vmcl 106 (Flaps 20 or 35, B model)
Operating Altitudes
Max operating altitude 25,000ft
Max T.O. & Landing altitude 8,000ft
Min T.O. & Landing altitude -1,000ft
Temperature Envelope for Take Off & Landing
Maximum 47°C (-1,000 - 1,500ft pressure altitude)
Maximum 33°C (@ 8,00ft pressure altitude)
Minimum -55°C
Operational Limits
Runway Slope
- Takeoff -2% to +1.5%
- Landing -2% to +2%
Load Limits
- Flaps UP +2,75g to -1.0g
- Flaps DOWN +2.0gto 0g
Tailwind Component
- Max tailwind 10 knots
Fuel Limitations
Total useable fuel 5,690 lb (@6.7lb per gal)
Max fuel imbalance 200 lb
Max refueling pressure 50 psi
Under normal takeoff and landing operations, the X FEED switch must be off and the CONN VALVE must be closed.
Windshield Wiper Operation
Low Mode 130 kts
High Mode 160 kts
Air Conditioning & Pressurization Limits
Maximum differential cabin pressure 7.5 psi
Auto Mode maximum differential 7.1 psi
Max negative differential pressure -0.5 psi
Max differential pressure for landing 0.2 psi
Max Altitude for unpressurized flight 10,000ft
Electrical Limits
DC Generators
- Maximum Load 600 amps (up to 5 minutes)
- Nominal Load 400 amps
External Power
- Max voltage 29.5 VDC
- Max current 1600 amp for engine start
- Min current 1200 amp for engine start
Main Batteries
- NO BAT start 57°C
- No Cross GEN start 61°C
- Max temp for takeoff 64°C
- BAT HOT 71°C
- Min temp for take off -20°C
- Min Temp for eng start -20°C