Central Warning Panel indications

Red CWP lights (master warnings)

L/R ENG FIRE fire is detected in the associated engine compartment (fire bell alert)

AVIONICS SMOKE smoke detected in the avionics rack area behind cockpit (triple chime alert)

LAV SMOKE smoke is detected in the lavatory (triple chime)

L/R ENG OIL PRESS either the associated prop gearbox OR engine oil pressure is low (triple chime)

CARGO SMOKE smoke is detected in the cargo area (triple chime)

CABIN PRESS cabin pressure has exceeded 7.5 psid OR cabin altitude is above 10,000ft (triple chime)

TAIL P HOT excessive temperature is detected in the associated tailpipe

AUTO TRIM automatic trim has failed (triple chime)

CONFIG aircraft is not in the proper configuration for takeoff, landing OR left engine start- alerts when AFIS has been pulled (intermittent horn alert)

Amber CWP lights (master cautions)

AUTOCOARS the autocoarsen computer has failed

PITCH TRIM the pitch trim synchronizer has failed

RUDDER LIMIT rudder limiter system has failed

FIRE DET FAIL associated fire detection system has failed

FUEL an annunciator has illuminated on the overhead fuel panel

ELEC an annunciator has illuminated on the overhead elec panel

ICE PROT an annunciator has illuminated on the overhead ice protection panel

ENGINE an annunciator has illuminated on the overhead engine panel

FLAPS an electrical malfunction has occurred in the flap system

AIR COND an annunciator has illuminated on the overhead air cond panel

PARK BRK ON proper pressure is trapped by the barking brake valve

HYDR hyd pressure in the main OR emergency accumulator is too low (<1850psi) OR main reservoir fluid os too hot (>116degrees)

EMER LTS UNARMD the emerg light switch is in the off position

OXYGEN oxygen pressure is too low (<800psi)

A-SKID INOP gear is down and anti-skid has failed or is turned off

AVIONICS avionics comparator malfunction

AVIONICS VENT the vent fan has failed

DOORS an annunciator has illuminated on the overhead doors panel

STALL FAIL the associated stall warning system has failed

GUST LOCK gust lock did not disengage when released

PUSHER SYSTEM the stick pusher system has failed

There are 6 amber lights on the overhead panel that do not have associated warnings on the CWP:


*all single chime alerts but the parking brake which has no alert