SM Exposés 2022-2023

No. SM-262 24/06/2023 17h00 ~ 18h15 15-25 502, Jussieu

Lubin-Tate spaces and the mod p Jacquet-Langlands functor

Reinier Sorgdrager, Université Paris-Saclay

In this talk I will introduce the level n Lubin-Tate space M_n, which is the moduli space of "deformations of a formal group in char. p of height h together with some n-th level structure". Moving on quickly to the infinite level one obtains a perfectoid space M_infty, which has commuting actions of GL_h K and D*. It has a nice moduli interpretation and it allows one to readily define the Gross-Hopkins period map as well as Scholze’s functor. If time permits, I will try to give an overview of recent work on the functor.

No. SM-261 24/06/2023 15h30 ~ 16h30 15-25 502, Jussieu

Fourier-Mukai transform on complex tori

Haohao Liu, Jussieu

No. SM-260 13/05/2023 17h00 ~ 18h30 15-25 502, Jussieu

Symplectic determinants

Mohamed Moakher, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

No. SM-259 13/05/2023 15h30 ~ 16h30 15-25 502, Jussieu

A topological approach to D-modules and Stokes phenomena

Andreas Hohl, IMJ-PRG

In this talk, I will first explain the main terms and characters in the story. Then, we will see two different applications of the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence to Stokes phenomena: Using it, we can  compute Fourier transformations of Stokes matrices in certain cases. Moreover, we can study fields of definition of solutions of differential equations using a technique called Galois descent.

No. SM-258 25/03/2023 16h45 ~ 18h00 15-25 502, Jussieu

Lubin-Tate (phi, Gamma)-modules and their moduli stacks

Dat Pham, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

No. SM-257 25/03/2023 15h00 ~ 16h15 15-25 502, Jussieu

Arithmetic groups and their subgroups

Jacques Audibert, Sorbonne Université

No. SM-256 04/02/2023 17h00 ~ 18h00 15-25 502, Jussieu

Partial Okounkov bodies

Mingchen Xia, IMJ-PRG

When L is endowed with a singular positive Hermitian metric h, I will explain how to construct smaller convex bodies from the datum (L,h). As we will see, these convex bodies give complete information about the singularity of h modulo the so-called I-equivalence.

No. SM-255 17/12/2022 17h00 ~ 18h00 15-25 502, Jussieu

Coulomb branches of quiver gauge theories, generalized affine Grassmannian slices, and symplectic duality

Lyuhui Wu, École Normale Supérieure de Paris

No. SM-254 26/11/2022 17h00 ~ 18h30 15-25 502, Jussieu

Arithmetics of homogeneous spaces over p-adic function fields

Nguyễn Mạnh Linh, Université Paris-Saclay

- Local-global principle (LGP): If X has K_v-points for all closed points on a smooth projective model of K, does X have K-points?

- Weak approximation (WA): If X has K-points, is X(K) dense in the topological product of the X(K_v)'s?

Generalizing the Brauer-Manin obstruction over number fields, we may use the group H^3_nr(X, Q/Z(2)) of unramified degree 3 cohomology to detect the failure of LGP and WA ("reciprocity obstruction"). It is natural to ask if this obstruction is the only one.

Using global duality Poitou-Tate style duality theorem and parts of Poitou-Tate sequences, Harari, Scheiderer, Szamuely, and Izquierdo provided the positive answer for tori. Tian established the same result for certain reductive groups.

In my talk, I shall present similar results for homogeneous spaces of SLn with geometric stabilizers of type umult (extension of a group of multiplicative type by a unipotent group), obtained by the same techniques. This is my latest preprint

No. SM-253 26/11/2022 15h30 ~ 16h30 15-25 502, Jussieu

Generic vanishing theorem for Fujiki class C

Haohao Liu, IMJ-PRG

No. SM-252 29/10/2022 16h30 ~ 18h00 15-25 502, Jussieu

Principal Homogeneous Spaces over Smooth Schemes

Arnab Kundu, Université Paris-Saclay