Flash Drawing Tool Test

Post date: Feb 26, 2013 4:54:12 PM

Directions: Place each of the following nine items in their own layer. You should have nine layers when your test is complete.

1) Create a rectangle with a 14 point green stroke and a custom gradient fill.

2) Using the rectangular primitive tool draw a green shape with no stroke and has a negative 26 corner radius on all corners. Hint- “The corners are pinched in.”

3) Draw an octagon with no fill and a 18 point black stroke.

4) Use the Deco tool to add some roses.

5) Use the oval tool to create a Pacman like shape with a custom gradient fill and no stroke.

6) Use the oval tool to create a doughnut with an orange fill and a 12 point black stroke.

7) Use the spay brush tool to add some red spray paint.

8) Use the line tool, not the deco tool, to create a black skyscraper like building.

9) Write your name and class using any font you want and any color.