
Welcome to Geology, an advanced/in-depth Earth Science Course!

Geology is not just a science, it is a career or job that covers many areas and fields of interest.  The UofA has the number one geology program in the US and they would say the world.  And Arizona has a wealth of minerals which makes us a mining state allowing for careers here in Arizona and for those who like to travel, around the world.  In time we will make contact with various intuitions.

One of my joys of geology, it is takes one outside; it is not just  a desk job.  As such, we will try to get out of the classroom as often as possible.  I also have the geology club were this is more easily done on weekends.

To accommodate these trips, I will need parents to help out with transportation and/or chaperoning.  We may have access to the sport vans for some of the fieldtrips, in which case we may only need one or two other cars to help out.  There are three planned day fieldtrips.  One is to  Mt. Lemmon to discuss and look at the formation of Tucson basin and range.  One is to the Gem & Mineral Show (mandatory).  The third is not solidified as it will require fundraising to make this possible.  This would be a 2-3 day trip to the Grand Canyon along with other stops on the way.  This is usually set up through the geology club: Badger Rock Hounds.  While it is not required, it is hoped geology students will be part of the club.                                                 

I have an open-door policy and I am always willing to listen to solutions to any problems life is throwing at you.  To me, "failure is not an option" (Apollo 13.)-  but it can be a choice.  

Parents, the best way to contact me is via e-mail.  Students, for asking questions outside of school hours, email me at:  I am very good about returning emails (weekends not included).  If you have not heard from me within two days, please resend as the likelihood is it did not go through.  Parents, you are welcome to come talk with me, just set up an appointment and you are always welcome to come sit in on classes.  Please, it is important everyone keeps their contact up to date.  For me, that is your emails as that is usually how I communicate.

I am looking forward to working with parents and students this year and engaging our natural curiosity in a safe environment. High school is one of the few places we get to do that in this busy world.   

Again, Welcome!

Work expectations:

Come to class prepared!!!

Homework: Is for learning... I know how busy we all are, especially as a Junior or Senior.  And I understand that with everything going on in folks’ lives, which vary greatly, homework is one of the last things you want to do.  However, there are some things I need you to do at home.  Reading  assignments are often done at home due to all the various levels of readers we have in class; I will try to give these to you for the weekend before.  Those of you who take notes from powerpoints, will find those online.  Again, students are different in taking notes between taking to many, like me, to taking a long time to write.  And I do not want to waste students time.

Most of the assignments you will need will be located on TEAMs.  The district is looking at shifting over to another platform, but until that happens, most students are now familiar with TEAMs.  Should anyone have any problem with their assignments, they can email me or come briefly after school or during 1st lunch.  There is also conference and Badger Power Hour on Friday.

Assessments:  Quizzes can be given whenever to check for student understanding.  Formal Assessments are often given after each unit is finished.  Final:  There may be an end of the semester final.  Those with an A do not have to take it.  Projects: Units may have a project and/or a presentation that are usually graded with rubrics in place of a test.   NOTE: You must have your computer for taking tests; you may not use your cell phone.  Cheating:  Any cheating results in a zero that cannot be made up and remains on your record.  Cell phones out during tests are marked as cheating and cannot be retaken.  If you forget your computer, you can temporarily check one out from the library.  Also, make ups are usually done during BPH; talk to me if there is a problem.

Science Journals are an important component of science and engineering.  Every scientist keeps a journal of their work and during my class all students are citizen scientists.   Journals are for keeping notes which may often be used on quizzes and tests as well as used for classwork.  And projects or lab data will go in them.  During the school year, you will take a picture of your work from your journal and upload it into TEAMs.  I will collect the journals at the end of each quarter for a grade.

Assignments:  Many class assignments are group work.   Note:  Students are not penalized for a groupmate who does not do their part. All assignments have a due date.  Life happens - If there is a reason for an assignment to be turned in late, parent or student can inform me.  Should a student do poorly on a completed assignment, they can have the option to fix it within ONE week for a better grade with no penalty.

Late Work: Again, life happens.  Let me know in advance if there is going to be a problem - email is a wonderful thing.  I usually give a  grace period of two days.  Once I begin grading, for every two days it is late, it will be marked down 10%  I will not take work beyond 2 weeks without prior communication. 

Fieldtrips: There are a few fieldtrips planned for this class:   1st Quarter we will be going to the Planetarium to look at the formation of the solar system.  2nd Quarter we may be doing something with Osiris Rex with the return mission in Oct.  These are not manditory.  You will do make-up work in class if you choose not to attend.  The Gem & Mineral show will be 3rd quarter and is manditory.  Also 3rd quarter will be going to the mine.  4th quarter a trip to the Catalina mountains are planned.  We may have a few others.  However, one of the key components are parents willing to chaperone and in some cases drive; we walk for the gem and mineral show and the university.  I will send out emails in advance so parents know and can hopefully take off work.  

Project:  A traditional project for geology students is they create their own collection.  This collection is not due until 4th quarter; because of that there is no excuse not to have it done. During this time, students can be collecting rocks and minerals.  The fieldtrips are geared to help students with this collection as well as learn about their geological surroundings.

Grades will be based on a combination using the Point System and a Rubric.  Labs and projects are graded using a rubric and are assigned F – A – M or E, for FAME. Quizzes and tests are graded using the traditional point value system.  Both will be totaled at the end of each quarter to determine a student’s grade.  Grades will be based on: 

Points                  Rubric

105%    E = Excels                    (The student has taken the work beyond what was asked.)

90%      M = Meets                   (Student has done what was asked of them and done it well.)

75%      A = Approaches         (Student has the basic concepts.)

50 %     F = Falling bellow     (Student has done the work, but does not understand concepts or has chosen not to finish it)

0%                     NC = Not Completed (Student needs to finish for the grade to be figured out)

 Grade break down:

Class assignments:                40%

Homework Assignments:     15%   Given as a completion grade - pts are USUALLY given for completion, not accuracy.

Assessments:                          45%

Keep track of your grades through synergy. There is no excuse for not knowing what assignments are missing or what your grade is.  You do not need to ask your teachers.  As personal work is often put on TEAMs, you know if you have turned your work in or not.

Classroom general routine:

Check the whiteboard and overhead  for the day’s agenda and supplies as well as objectives.  You should have a planner to make note of expectations and due dates.   Most of you have one on your cell phone.  Please be in your seat by the time the final bell rings.  Most days will begin with a bell assignment and end with an informal assessment of some form with activities in between. 

Everyone in my class is a young adult who fully knows the rules of behavior in the classroom and are expected to follow them as a good student.  This is a science class.  The rules are for safety as well as for allowing everyone the chance to learn.  A student does not have the right to prevent others from learning. 

Policy on discipline: Check student handbook.

Tardies are disruptive.  Habitual tardies become a problem.  The current set up is a student sweep that can lead to parents being called to come get their child to lunch detention.  Check student handbook for consequences.  A student who is more than 25 minutes late is considered absent.  When tardy, it is important to sign in.  This is a record that a student was actually here and corrections can be made later.  If a student does not sign in when late, they are absent.  Please do not ask me to change your attendance for an absence if you did not sign in.  You are expected to be in your seat when the bell rings - attendance is taken by the use of a seating chart at the beginning of class.  At the end of the day, I double check the tardy sheet.  

Absences are frustrating to everyone.  This class will have projects you will be part of.  It makes it a challange to do projects if one or more of your group is missing.  Life does happen and when possible you can make up your part or will be given an alternative assignment if it is a long term absence; stay in touch with your teachers should this occur.  District policy allows a student 10 unexcused absences.  After ten unexcused absences, a student is given an NC = no credit.  This means that a student will have to repeat the class physically, they are not given the opportunity to replace the grade online.

Cell phones: All teachers are required to have a “cell phone free zone” within the classroom; this includes any accessories that are synced to phones (watches, earbuds, etc.).   Educators understand that cell phones have great utility, but cell phone use have increasingly become a source of distraction in the classroom decreasing student engagement and time spent on learning. With one on one computers, we should not need cell phones, but if we do, I will let students know.  All cell phones are to remain in backpacks, school bag, or purse.  In case of emergencies, parents can reach students through the main office at 225-5000 or 225-5002.    Please note:  loss or damage of a cell phone is not a teachers responsibility.  If you find you are unable to leave your cell phone alone, your cell phone can be stored at the front of the room to be collected at the end of the period.

Food and drinks are not allowed in the building and definitely not in a science classroom where a spill can alter data or damage technology.  Water in a closed container is acceptable and encouraged as this school.  We even have drinking fountains to accomodate water bottles.  Please make sure you have your name on your water bottle in case you forget it.   

Misbehavior:  Some days just do not go right and a warning is needed for unacceptable behavior.  If a warning is not enough the student will be taken  aside to discuss the problem.  If the problem cannot be resolved or the situation is a safety hazard during a lab, the student will be asked to go to time out in room T165 or T150 or a monitor will be called to take them to the security office.  A call home to the parent will be made.  If the situation continues, a conference will be set up between myself, parents, and the individual to decide on the next steps needed to resolve the issue.

Conference & Badger Power Hour is built into students schedule on Friday. If a student has a grade less then a C in any of their classes, or they need a place to do homework, or they need time to finish work, or they need help from their teacher, etc.… take advantage of it.  The time given is not meant to be extra sleep in time.  And if you are good to go?  Bring something to occupy yourself during that time period.

Bathroom/Water breaks:  Only ONE student at a time has permission to leave the classroom; this is district and school policy.  Students are expected to take care of their needs and return immediately; it is unfair to make other students wait.  It is the current school policy that you have a pass written to take from the classroom. The pass is to be returned so students do not need to do the sign in and out sheet.  Please note, school policy says if you are gone more then 15 minutes, it becomes an automatic unexcused absence.  

Weekly Contact: I usually send one or more email home each week.  These emails are often reminders of assignments due, upcoming events or extra credit, or what is going on in the classroom.  It is important that students AND parents read their emails.  If you do not read the emails and you do not make use of a planner, the responsibility of something missed or forgotten is that of the student.  Both parents and students PLEASE keep your synergy email up to date!!!  

Classroom Rules

Rule #1: Treat all within with respect. 

Rule #2: No excuses, find solutions. 

3.  When I am talking to the class, or anyone else is, you are to be listening; Simple Courtesy.  

4.  Come to class prepared to learn.   This includes bringing your curiosity, supplies, & homework. 

5.  Follow all instructions/procedures for your own safety as well as others.

 For some of you this is your last year of high school and for others, you have one more to go.  I hope you will enjoy my class as you learn about Geoscience.