Week 8 - Peer to Peer Evaluation (Coursework Component 2b Reflection)

This week’s tutorial was a presentation on Business plans for Coursework Component 2b

This will be of use to my future studies at LSBU or elsewhere as the skills I think I have developed in the presentation for coursework component 2b and 2a were working as a team and how to communicate in different ways as a team.

One aspect of the tutorial that I found difficult was communications as I feel I struggled with communication, not in the written form, but verbally.

I feel that the area that I performed well in was collaboration work with the team as I always try my hardest to listen to others and contribute. My contribution in this presentation was to design the presentation layout and the heading for slides. The slide I contributed to was competitive, where I found some competitive analysis. These are Lonely Plannet and Broker London. Another slide I contributed to was Financial projection and The Team. I feel my main strengths are preparing the slides and researching on the competition as I did not find it difficult. Also another contribution I have made for the group work was creating social media accounts. These are:

As a whole team it was excellent because each individual had a task to do and completed the task. Also as a whole team each individual had given a good idea for the project.