Week 5

From this week’s tutorial I learned to brainstorm answers to the question as a group which includes diagrams. This will relate to coursework component 2 (a). The following question were addressed:

  • What is the purpose?

  • Who is your audience?

  • What is the value of proposition in your idea for your target audience?

  • What is your 'go to' market plan?

  • What will be your key activities?

The following question above were grouped into 4 parts:

  1. Communication - Activities

  2. Sociability

    1. Target Londoners

    2. Different languages, text to speech

  3. Marketing

    1. Social Media

    2. Design poster to promote blog

    3. Logo to brand

  1. Purpose

    1. to inform, provide alternative commuting

  1. Competition - Similar blogs are available

This will be of use to my future studies at LSBU or elsewhere as it is related to coursework component 2(a) project business model comprehensive and the uses of business model template. One aspect of the tutorial that I found particularly useful was to brainstorm answers to the questions using the coursework blog called CheapoLondon save money/save time while commuting in London