Week 7

From this week’s tutorial I learned about usability testing by seeing how cost-effective usability is by being a test facilitator for the following:

Observe and make notes about everything

  • General comments users make about the site.

  • What they say they like and what they don’t.

  • When they make errors and when they don’t.

  • Body language – are they getting frustrated? Laughing? Sighing?

Try not to prompt the user with an answer

  • Count to 10 before helping.

  • If they ask where something is say ‘where would you expect it to be?’

  • Don’t interrupt or start chatting to them.

If they stop talking aloud

  • Try asking them what they are looking for

Homepage tour

    • Good first task

    • Helps to relax participant

    • Useful to use a couple of questions to get participant talking

As they begin

    • What is the first thing you notice?

After they have had time to look

    • What so you think this site is for?

    • Who do you think it is for?

    • What services or products does it offer?

KDE Test Plan.docx
KDE task cards.docx
KDE facilitator sheet.docx