Week 12 - Prototype Development using Collaborative Tools and Peer to Peer Evaluation

From this week’s tutorial there was a Live Project Demo for the Blog the Group made, this was http://www.cheapolondon.co.uk/. This Blog was about saving money and time while travelling London.

This will be of use to my future studies at LSBU or elsewhere as in the future when making a prototype, the prototype will have to be shown to the client to see how the prototype will work.

An aspect of the tutorial that I found particularly easy was that I used a Google Analytics Plugin too track the number of users visiting the blog. This is what I have learnt During Week 9. Additionally another thing I found particularly easy was that I used a Social media Plugin. This is where other users can share the Blog worldwide and a Twitter Plugin where other users can tweet about the blog and follow us on Twitter.

I feel that the area that I performed well in was collaboration work with the team as I always try my hardest to listen to others and contribute. My contribution in this presentation was writing the articles of the Blog. This includes the following:

Bus Hopper: http://www.cheapolondon.co.uk/2016/12/08/bus-hopper/

I feel my main strength was writing the articles for the blog and researching what to write for the articles on the Blog as I did not find it difficult.

Peer to Peer Evaluation

Overall the group members contributed the following:

Taher Khan Contributed 100% and I contributed 100% to the coursework but one of the team members, Simon, did not contribute at all.