SAP SOP Mass Processing

SAP SOP Mass Processing

The mass processing function in SOP is used to execute the following functions in a background mode: 

a) Forecasting 

b) Executing Macros 

c) Copy Key Figure Information from One information structure to another 

d) Transferring SOP Key Figure Data to Demand Management 

e) Transferring SOP Key Figure Data to Profitability Analysis (CO-PA 

f)  Defining 

Illustration demonstrating the creation process of a mass processing job 

 Fig – SOP_70

Creation of a Mass Processing Job 

Creation of a mass processing job is the final step, the profiles and the planning activity needs to be created prior to the creation of the Mass Processing Batch Job.

Using Transaction code MC8D, one can create a mass processing job which would be set in as a batch job. Follow the steps as shown below: 

 Fig – SOP_71

Press Execute and then maintain the information structure & Version details on which the mass processing job has to be imposed upon, as shown below 

 Fig – SOP_72

Press Execute and then maintain the planning type which would be used. 

Fig – SOP_73

Select a Planning type and then maintain the Variant Name for the selection screen details, as shown below. 

Fig – SOP_74

Press the Create Button to Create the Variant and enter the selection screen details as shown below.

 Fig – SOP_75


Press the Continue Button and go ahead to maintain the selection screen details, as shown below.

Fig – SOP_76

Select the Characteristics levels on which the mass processing will be imposed, the aggregation level and the Planning activity.

The planning activity contains the list of functions which should be processed through mass processing. It contains the profiles for the respective functions which are configured with the micro-details required to execute the function. 

Therefore it is not wrong in saying that the sequence of creating a mass processing job is: 

Function Profile is created first > then it is assigned to the planning activity > and then the planning activity is assigned to the mass processing job to execute that corresponding function in mass.


Creation of Planning Activity 

A given ‘planning activity’ defines the function which is to be executed through a given mass processing batch job. The planning activity contains the function profiles which defines the functions at more detailed level. Each of these function profiles are created separately before the creation of the planning activity in SAP. 

The transaction code to create a planning activity is MC8T. During the creation of a planning activity, we should define the name of the planning activity, the sequence of activity execution, the planning type, the activity type and corresponding activity profile which require execution through this planning activity.

Fig – SOP_77

A Planning Activity has activity types for copy key figures from one information structure to another, to forecast using a forecast profile and key figure field name, to transfer data to demand management, to carry out execution of Macros, to transfer data to CO-PA, and to copy externally planned data into SOP. For a given function which requires mass processing execution an exclusive activity type has to be chosen.

Fig – SOP_78

Creation of Profiles for the Various Functions 

There are profiles defined in sales and operation planning, for various functions which can be scheduled through a background batch job. The functions are created separately and assigned in the ‘planning activities’ and the planning activity is in turn assigned to the mass processing batch job. These functions are for:  

A) Copy Profile – Copy Data from One Information Structure to another  

Step A.1) Create a Key Figure assignment using transaction code MC8Z. The creation process would request the source and target information structure & the selection of key figures from both the information structures. You can create the assignment profile in the same transaction code.  

                Fig – SOP_79

Step A.2) then create a copy profile with the details as shown below using the transaction code MC9D. The copy profiles would request the target and the source versions along with the assignment profile created in step 1. 

                Fig – SOP_80

B) Transfer Profile – Transfer Data to Demand Management 

The transfer profile is created to help the system transfer the key figure data from information structure or planning table to demand management. Strategy 4 to strategy 7 is used in standard SOP and strategy 9 is used in flexible planning. 

 Fig – SOP_81  


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