SAP Batch Management Configuration
Study Material Contributed by Ulhas Kavle
Configuration Required for Batch Management
Activating Batch Management Levels:
Transaction code – OMCE
The Foremost configuration in Batch Management is activating the level at which batch management would work. The following are the levels at which you can activate batch management:
Plant level: Batch Unique at Plant Level
The Batch Numbering for a material is specific to a plant. When you are using an internal numbering scheme for batch numbers in SAP, Material M1 can have a batch number B1 in a Plant 0001, while Material M2 can also have a batch number B1 in the same plant. Batch numbering is unique for the material.
If a material stock for Material M1 with Batch B1 is transferred from plant 0001 to another plant 0002 it would definitely have a different internal batch number generated at good receipt in that plant and the user has an option to store different batch characteristics values (batch specifications) for the batch in the plant 0002.
Every Material Batch stock stored at storage location level may have batch specifications stored under it. Material Batch specifications may be the same for batches. It is not necessary that the specifications stored under material batches are always unique.
If a material batch B1 at plant 0001 is created with the following specifications (specifications are stored in batches through the use of batch characteristics):
Internal Width = 5mm
External Width = 10mm
Length = 5m
There can be other batches (Material M2, Batch B2) in the plant for the same material produced with the same specifications:
Internal Width = 5mm
External Width = 10mm
Length = 5m
If you want to keep batch specifications unique at material batch level in a plant then you have to include characteristics like Date of Production, Shift of production, may be even the Line used for production. For example
Material M1 – Batch B1 – Plant 0001 >>>
Internal Width = 5mm
External Width = 10mm
Length = 5m
Date of Production = 25th Dec 2010
Shift of Production = S2
Line = L23
Material M1 – Batch B1 – Plant 0001 >>>
Internal Width = 5mm
External Width = 10mm
Length = 5m
Date of Production = 25th Dec 2010
Shift of Production = S3
Line = L23
Material level: Batch Unique at Material Level
The Batch Numbering at material level means that 2 or more materials can have the same batch number in a plant, i.e. Material M1 can have batch B1 in Plant 0001 and Material M2 can also have batch B1 in Plant 0001.
Though when a Material batch is transferred to another plant (Stock Transfer) it would mandatorily have the same batch number and the same batch characteristics values, i.e. if the material Batch M1-B1 is transferred to plant 0002 from 0001, the batch number for the material M1 at the receiving plant 0002 would remain the same (B1) and the batch characteristics and the characteristics values (batch specifications) would also be adopted from the sending plant (0002)
Note – In Material Level Batch Management, the batch management should be activated for all the plants where the material is extended.
Client Level: Batch Unique at Client Level
A Client is a SAP Box which can contain a set of company codes and plants under it. In such cases if you define batch management at client level, it means that the material M1 would keep the same batch number (say B1) across all the plants and across all company codes in the client. This also means that the batch classification values or characteristics values would also remain the same across.
Note - If you want to go back to Material level batch settings you can do so at any time by changing the configuration to material level batch management, but you cannot go back to plant level from the client level settings.
Activating Batch Management Status:
Transaction code = OMCS
After activating Batch Levels, it is logical to activate batch management status. There is no harm in doing this. The only good that this setting does is that it can tag the material batch stock as unrestricted or restricted which is an added advantage to stop the batch from being used even when the batch stock lies in unrestricted stock type (restricted batch status).
Batch status can be looked at as an added stock type over and above the standard stock types in SAP like the unrestricted stock, Blocked stock, Quality stock. This means that:
If a batch stock is in quality stock type or blocked stock type and tagged with unrestricted batch status, then it’s still counted as quality stock
If a batch stock is in quality stock type or blocked stock type and tagged as restricted batch status, then its still counted as quality stock, though when you move the stock from quality to unrestricted stock type, the batch stock would still be not-available for use since the batch status – restricted is still stopping it from consumption
Similarly when a batch stock is in unrestricted stock type and tagged with restricted batch status the batch stock is unavailable for consumption
You can choose to configure a default batch status, whenever a batch is manufactured or received in stock.
Using transaction code OMCT, you can change the batch status
Activating Batch Status at Plant level:
Once you have activated Batch Status Management feature, there is an option in SAP, to choose the plants at which you want to use this functionality.
Activating Internal Batch number assignment:
Using transaction Code = OMCZ, you have to activate internal batch number assignment. And at the same time you have to use transaction code OCHA to set the internal number allocation of batches at goods receipt to automatic for the plants you choose.
Configuring Batch Where used List:
Transaction code = OCHA
The batch where-used list is set to active at all the plants, but you would have to manually select synchronous posting of batch where used records. Selecting a plant for synchronous posting means that you trace the batch history (batch history of receipts and consumptions) across all the plants.
A batch where-used list can tell you the production order through which the batch was produced, the object where the batch was issued (production order or sales order), in short the batch where-used list gives you the list of objects from where the batch was produced from and the objects where the batch was issued to. If the batch is under inspection with an inspection lot, the list also shares the inspection lot number.
You can switch between a Top-down hierarchy option and a Bottom-up hierarchy option that gives you the batch where-used information in various hierarchical ways.
Uses – Batch traceability, i.e. Understanding the history of a batch thereby analyzing the history of batches in case when there are customer complaints.
You can use the following path to enter in to this transaction setting:
Logistics General > Batch Management > Batch Where-Used List > Make Settings for Batch Where-Used List
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